A year in art: Artists reflect on their notable artworks of 2023

The year 2023 has come to an end, and as we welcome the next year with open arms, it’s natural to look back on the previous year and review our accomplishments and notable artworks. How we spent our year, and as artists, how we were able to grow and evolve; these are some of the things that we look back on.
As our regular readers very well know, the ATH team asks our community of artists questions on our Instagram (@artstoheartsproject), where our purpose is to create a platform for artists to engage in fascinating conversations. This week, we asked our followers about their art projects from the past year. Was there a specific piece or project from 2023 that holds significance for them? Our followers, as always, gave an overwhelming response where they all came and share with us the notable artworks that they hold dear.

Let’s look at our followers’ responses!

User @alinahubarenko is a doctor and a marine artist. How cool is that?! She has cleverly done something that many artists can take inspiration from; combining her two spheres of life and creating something unique out of it. If you, as an artist, are struggling with art at the moment, this is an amazing place to start. Think about the things you are good at, what interests you, and what makes you stand out. Our art is a reflection of our life, and it only makes sense that if we want our art to stand out, we need to start drawing inspiration from our life experiences as well.
No skill or idea is wasted if you are an artist! @alinahubarenko has done something quite fascinating, where she details her project of collecting ocean water, shipping it to a laboratory, and creating her own limited collection of ampoules called “Vitamin Sea”. As she says, this is a ‘cure for everyone who is missing the sea in this gray winter days’, and honestly, we love the idea!

As @kabria.art talks about her favorite self-portrait from past year, she also reminds us that in a world that pushes us to be productive constantly, it’s okay to listen to your body and take it slow every now and then. If you are someone who has been struggling for some time, this is a reminder that it’s okay to allow yourself some grace and focus on your inner healing, even if that means not working as much as you would like to.

@theeclecticcurator’s comment is a reminder to us that, no matter how you feel, it’s always a good idea to keep going. As artist, we are often faced with skepticism and feel like giving up because we can’t see its true potential at the time. But sometimes, it is one of those things that give us the hardest time that can end up holding the most value and becoming one of our most cherished notable artworks. And therefore, we must always trust the process!

Dealing with your emotions or what is going on with the world around you can be overwhelming at times, and therefore, as an artist, it’s always nice to pick up your supplies and get to work so you can process those feelings. Just like @eviedreams.art, we are gifted with the ability to react to the social and political environment in a way that can not only help us, but also conveys something to others.

The past year has been a difficult one, no doubt. With all the suffering and injustice going on in the world, artists have the privilege to go to their safe haven and find comfort in their work. @catefieldartist used her privilege and decided to work with ‘bright colors’ and ‘fanciful shapes and patterns’ to bring some color into her own life as well, and we love that. There is enough doom and gloom in the world, it can prove to be a breath of fresh air to create something that reflects hope and joy!

For some artists, this year was about experimenting with their art. It’s never too late to do that, and we always encourage artists to never limit themselves, and always look for ways in which they can try out new and exciting things. So, take this as you sign to make a pact with yourself that in the year 2024, you will try something you have never done before, no matter how scary it feels!

Image taken from Talitha’s website
Notable artworks for our fellow artists
Some other artists also came forward and shared their favorite art pieces from the past year.

It’s easy to overlook our creative journey and successes; sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit, and sometimes we genuinely forget. As you read all of these responses, as an artist, do you also find yourself thinking about the projects you have done the past year? And is there one that stands out to you?
Let’s take this moment to look back and see how far we have come. Let’s look back on our creative evolution and the notable artworks we were able to make, so that we begin the new year with a positive note and new resolutions!
You can always read more articles where our ATH community comes together to engage with each other!

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