
Arts to Hearts Project Announces the Selected Artist of 101 Art Books: Floral Edition

The Arts to Hearts Project are very delighted to announce the selection of 101 exceptional artists for our art books, the Floral Edition. Each Artist has been delicately chosen for our upcoming Art Books. we are very excited to share the Art Pieces of our 101 Selected Artists with you. Each artist’s unique perspective, captured in vibrant colors and intricate details. We are very thankful to all the Artist who participated in it.

But before Announcing let me give you an insight on our 101 Art Book Project. As An Independent Platform specifically to promote our women Artist across the globe, we successfully hosted a contest for our 101 Books so that we can encourage female artist from all over the world to give a voice to their Art and to promote their work as well as to create a safe community for Artists and Art lovers. The purpose to create these books was to empower women artist to help them get recognized in Art industry, to celebrate new talent and

Theme of these Art books are floral, floral arts is just not about flowers, it also serves as a powerful representation of femineity, grace, beauty and delicacy. flowers also used as symbol of fertility, growth and rebirth. women from all over the world participated in it and submitted their work portraying the strength, resilience and femineity. The Artwork has carefully been selected to carter our art enthusiast.

Here’s the list of our Brilliant 101 Artists

Alexa Lett 

    Alexandra Gallagher 

    Alina Lloyd 

    Alison Gilmour 

    Amanda Inglis 

    Anastasia Zielinski 

    Anina Deetlefs 

    Beatriz-Cecilia Paredes 

    Chelsea Baker 

    Christina Cowen  

    Clair Elliot

    Cleo Wolfus 

    Dawn Bouchard

    Debbie Oquendo

    Eniko Marosvary-Kramcsak

    Erica Mathews

    Hao Luong

    Heidi Lustig

    Ivy Case

    Jane Parsons

    Janet Haigh

    Jana Robbins Walter

    Jasmyn Marie M.

    Jay lee

    Jean Rim

    Jeanne Mons

    Jess Currier

    Jess Quinn

    Jessica Ashburn

    Jessica Lewis

    Jill Hass

    Judith Pelgrom

    Julia Borg

    Julia Hacker

    Julie Gross

    Julie Moss

    Justine Laeufer

    Kathleen Rietz

    Kazia Poore

    KC Christmas

    Kelly Albin

    Kelly Angelovic

    Kim Smith

    Kristiina Zadin

    Laura Tait

    Lauren Battistini

    Lissa Scotland

    Liz Perry

    Lizzy Mango  

     Lynne Mcdonald  

     Lyubena Fox 

     Maddison Olivia Wright  

     Magda Betkowska  

     Mahsihd Farhoudi  

     Majeda Alhinai 

     Maka Gurgenidze  

     Mallory Stroud  

     Mandy Miller

     Marcela Diaz Alvarado  

     Maria Belik  

     Marina Shaylapina  

     Mary younkins  

     May Charters  

     Melissa Simmons  

     Mirabel Wigon 

     Misty Dempsey  

     Molly Wood  

     Monica Henry  

     Nicola Cornford  

     Olena Kucher  

     Parisa Nejad  

     Patricia Penteado  

     Paula Borsetti  

     Philippa Quick  

     Rachel Pruzan  

     Rebecca Harris  

     Rebekah Steen  

     Rita Foster  

     Ritina Ansurkar  

     Rocio Gonzalez  

     Runa Gedam 

     Sally Khoury  

     Smantha Decarlo 

     Sara Gentilini 

     Sara Molinaroli  

     Sarah Abbott  

     Shalom Harrison  

     Shelbey Cook  

     Silvia Leveson  

     Sonal Nathwani 

     Stephanie Hanlon  

     Stephanie Melvihill  

     Stephanie Navon Jacobson  

     Suella Holand  

     Susie McColgan  

     Tafy LaPlanche  

     Tali Levine  

     Tina Alanen  

    Vanessa wenwieser  

    We extend our deepest appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to every artist who contributed their passion, vision, and talent to our 101 Art Book.

    The list of people who have captured the hearts and minds of our audience with an overwhelming number of votes for their Artwork.

    Laura Tait

    So Ye Oh

    Monica Henry

    Amanda Inglis

    Rachel Pruzan

    Liz Perry

    Annie Bueler

    Heidi Lustig

    Jette Horndrop

    Andrea Bunar

    Chiara Galliano

    Mahshid Memarzadehesfahan

    Kazia Poore

    Susie McColgan

    Jacqueline Diesing

    Parisa Nejad

    Andrea Q. Thompson

    Jennifer Miller

    Miquela Rachie

    Rebecca Harris

    Christina Cowan

    Stephanie Hanlon

    Rita Foster

    Rebekah Steen

    Erica Mathews

    Majeda Alhinai

    Georgia Loring

    Molly Wood

    Jasmyn Marie M.

    Tali Levine

    Amelia Verlin

    Amy Pleasent

    The scale of this project is truly massive. We will create 101 distinctive art books, each showcasing 101 different female artists. That’s a total of 10,200 women artists from around the world getting the chance to share their creativity with a global audience!

    We are incredibly excited to launch this as a recurring contest, allowing us to continuously celebrate and promote new talents in terms of themes, styles, cities, and location – a book dedicated to discovering ideas and giving 101 artists a new platform to get published.

    Be the part of the world where imagination flourishes and beauty know no bounds. Reserve your piece of artistic inspiration by pre-ordering the 101 Art Book and join us in honoring the women Artist all around the world.

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