
5 things people should take away from your art exhibition

Artwork by Tschiegg

An art exhibition is always an exciting affair. Not only do we get to look at some amazing artworks, but we also get to meet other people who appreciate art as much as we do. The best part is that we also get to discover new artists that we may not have heard of before. On the other hand, for an artist, an art exhibition provides an opportunity to mingle in the art community and meet like-minded people. 

Now, if you are an artist who is also showcasing their work in an art exhibition, it’s even more exciting. You finally get to share your work with the world and see your art receive the love and appreciation it deserves. It’s finally time to reap the fruit of your labor, and you are happy and anxious all at the same time.

After months and years of working, you have created something that you should be proud of are able to show it to the rest of the world. But what kind of response do you expect from your audience? What do you hope viewers take away from your exhibition? These are some of the questions that we were curious about and so we asked our artist community on Instagram (@artstoheartsproject) to share what they hoped from their exhibitions!

art exhibition

What should viewers take from your art exhibition?

A sense of hope

What is an artist’s greatest reward? To be able to spread joy through their work! If you are an artist reading this, think about all the times you were creating an artwork, and how you hoped that it would bring a smile to someone’s face. An art exhibition is even more special. Here, you get to showcase not one, but a whole collection of your work, and what better reward is there than having someone feel hopeful because of you?!

Reconnection with nature

We are nature, and nature is us. From the air we breathe to the work that we do, each element of our day-to-day life is made possible because of nature. And so, connecting with nature is not that difficult. Even by looking up at the sky for a few seconds, we are reminded of how vast the universe is. Art should always remind us to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty, something we are slowly forgetting to do. Artists like @kls9002art have their heart in the right place because they talk about things that are an essential part of our beings, and so we need more reminders of it!

A sense of enlightenment

What is art if not an outlet for us to share our stories? The best part about art is that it has the ability to convey things without uttering a single word. You don’t have to speak, and you don’t have to say anything. Your work will do all of that for you, and how beautiful is that?!

Each artist has their own story to tell. For some, their stories take the form of a sculpture, and some are able to share their deepest secrets through an abstract piece of work. Each and every piece of art has a tale behind it, only if we are willing to see it. @orla­_clancy_ hits the nail on the head by summing it up beautifully. Anyone coming to your exhibition must go back with a sense of appreciation and love for everything art represents and how it has the power to transform!


Art should inspire and touch anybody who sets their eyes on it, that is art’s true purpose. Artists like @kat.vandal and @t.o.m _pic hope that if there is something their audience takes away from their exhibition, it is a smile, lightness, and self-confidence. Believing in yourself and loving who you are is a true blessing. If your work can evoke those emotions in someone, it is a gift that they will carry with them for the rest of their life.

Your artwork

Lastly, let’s not forget a major purpose that an art exhibition serves; to sell your work. No matter how much we enjoy making art, we all have to pay bills and put food on the table. More importantly, it’s also the satisfaction that accompanies each sale.

Every time someone buys your art, it makes you feel validated. Someone will put up your work in their house. How gratifying it is to think that someone found your work worthy enough to make it a permanent part of their life?! And so every time they pass by that wall with your art on it, they will be reminded of the story that you have shared through that piece. Nothing wrong with wanting that!

If you are hoping to hold your own exhibition sometime in the future, or are already preparing for one, we wish you the best of luck! We hope, that as an artist, you can put out your work in the best possible way, so that anyone who sees it takes with them something, even if it is a fleeting sense of joy!

You can always read more articles where our ATH community comes together to engage with each other!

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