6 ways you can be a fearless artist in 2024

Beginning a new year means setting new goals and resolutions. Even if you haven’t done this activity before, we encourage you to do it this year as it gives you the chance to live up to your potential and become the fearless artist you were meant to be. Whether it is making a new piece of art, participating in a certain activity, or honing a certain skill, challenging yourself is important for your creative growth.
This week on our Instagram (@artstoheartsproject), we asked our followers what kind of artist they want to be in 2024. While we are all on our creative journey as artists, it’s important to identify where we lack, where we can improve, and how we can push our limits.
Do you want to be an outdoor artist? Or do you think you need to get more creative and open towards the opportunities that come your way? Whatever is going on in your mind right now, it will help you to read some of the answers that our followers gave us. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some ideas for yourself as well?!

Be consistent

The best advice any artist can ever receive is to be consistent. We do acknowledge that this is easier said than done! Being consistent means that you show up in your studio consistently. It means that no matter what happens in your life, you’ll find the courage to get back to your creative space and do what you do best.
Having said that, we’d like to mention something that often impedes an artist’s efforts to be consistent. Consistency does not mean you have to give your best every single time you create something. Rather, it means that you come to your studio or creative space with a positive mindset, and give what you can at the moment. You do not let any self-doubt or fear stop you from progressing. With the former mindset, you will end up with procrastination and anxiety. Once you develop a positive mindset of creating, even if it’s not much, you will find that your relationship with art will also improve!
Embrace creativity

If you have been holding back all this time, this is your sign to go all out with your creativity! It’s natural that every time we get a radical or wild idea, our instinct is to instantly shut it down, when in fact, we should be embracing that part of us. Being creative is part of our job. In fact, it is the job. Then how come we are reluctant to let it all out?!
Like the artists who have been mentioned above, we must all strive to become the artists we have dreamed of forever. We must rid ourselves of these limitations and focus on ensuring that our creativity is not blocked.
Do what you love

If there is something you want to work on, you can learn from @liana_majed and @azzalajii, both of whom want to become outdoor artists. If you want to focus on a certain skill, or if there is some aspect of your artwork that you want to spend more time on, this is your chance to promise yourself that you’ll do more of that. The more things you do that make you happy, the more chances are that you will be able to achieve your creative goals!
Aim high

Do you sometimes daydream about where you will be in your professional life five years from now? @claudiacastrillonart spells out what many of us want from our careers which is to be financially sound! It’s okay to want to be an artist and be financially stable as well. Gone are the days when we would romanticize artists’ struggles with money and finances. Now, we know our worth and value, and getting the bare minimum for our effort and time is not something we should accept in 2024. This is the time to use your talents and cash them in the best possible way. After all, you’ve earned it!
Be a fearless artist

Sometimes, as an artist, we are afraid to fail. We think about the opinions of other people and give them more importance than we should. Other times, we are afraid of reaching our true potential. Or maybe, that’s our inner artist’s way of making sure that we never get hurt, and so, we never end up trying the things that can lead to a better future.
Sometimes, as an artist, we are afraid to fail. We think about the opinions of other people and give them more importance than we should. Other times, we are afraid of reaching our true potential. Or maybe, that’s our inner artist’s way of making sure that we never get hurt, and so, we never end up trying the things that can lead to a better future.
Take baby steps

@kirstiehowardmasson sums up our thoughts in one line. In the end, all that matters is that you become the artist you want to be. No matter the challenges or circumstances, you don’t give up on your dreams. It takes courage and strength to show up every day, and that is what matters. Keep going!

In the end, there is one thing you must remember. This year, you must only bring positivity with you. There is no space for negative thoughts, and therefore, we must strengthen our confidence in our creative abilities. Believe in your heart that this year is going to be a better one and that you are going to do great, and in the end, you will triumph. With such an optimistic approach, you will feel the universe giving you back that positive energy and that’s all we need to succeed!
You can always read more articles where our ATH community comes together to engage with each other!

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