
S2EP94. Step by step on how she hosted, promoted & launched her dream solo show as an Independent Artist w/ Emily Mullet, Artist & Designer

E mily Mullet is a mixed media artist based in Phoenixville, PA. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art with an emphasis in Painting and Graphic Design from College of the Ozarks in 2012. She uses printmaking techniques to explore her interest in floral imagery and the female form.

Much of Emily’s work is influenced by contemporary street artists, drawing inspiration from aerosol paints, stencils, and wheat pastes. Emily completed an apprenticeship at Moravian Pottery and Tile works, and has been featured by PxP Contemporary, Arts to Hearts Project, SHOWFIELDS, and CandyFloss Magazine.

In her current collection, Mind Blooms, Emily collages silkscreened florals to create female portraits. These portraits explore the idea of the mind as a vast garden.

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Charuka Arora, Founder of Arts To Hearts Project

Arts To Hearts Project


Okay, yes, the big show I you know I was like I remember like you know again with Instagram and like social media. That’s so much that’s happening we keep scrolling and like I remember you being so consistent a with the blogs I loved that idea of like um. Like you know you create created those daily blogs d tiny but I think so interesting as a viewer as ah as a consumer like you know it engaged me I would every once in a while I would go to that link I also subscribed whenever even though I was multiple times on the list but it just triggered me so many times then you did the course. Then you did this wonderful beautiful show that purely inspired me I think oh god that was just so beautiful. But none a big congratulations for that too.

Emily Mullet
Thank you so much. Yeah, for the whole show and leading up to the show I was trying to frame it for my audience in a way I was trying to think of myself as someone in the audience and thinking what would be interesting for me as a viewer to see. And artists doing and so that’s how I came up with the vlogs because I personally hate like emails and getting overwhelmed with everything you’re sent every day So I did the vlogs because I thought well if I was seeing behind the scenes work from an artist who I loved I would read that email and open it up and look at it. So.

O god.


Emily Mullet
Did for this show. It was kind of through that lens of trying to flow like put myself in the shoes of who my audience is.

I Love that we can tell me something when you started like how long did you when did you think about this idea I know you had like you revert your cra There are and like let’s talk about the beginning of the beginning.

Emily Mullet
So for the concept of mind blooms. This was all new imagery that I was working on and I really developed it I had the None thoughts about it in July of last year so almost a full year ago and.


Emily Mullet
I was thinking about it and I knew that this series was going to be very special to me on a personal level and I didn’t want to rush it which is kind of the opposite of my personality because I just love to have an idea and go go make it reality so I thought about it for a long time I did the very None

Go or predict.

Emily Mullet
Study in probably the fall and visually and I was like okay I like how this looks and then I decided in January is when I was going to just fully dedicate my studio time to creating this collection. So I simmered on this much longer than what I usually do and then I took. From January to may so about five months to put the whole show together.

But did you intended this entire body work with like hosting this whole experience and the whole show soul show that you did was it that or did you figured it like along the way and what triggered you I mean I’m really interested in all these questions.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, so previously I launched my work just through my own website and through Instagram and it’s purely an online experience especially during the pandemic that of course was really the only option. So.

Yeah, just.

Emily Mullet
With this show I felt like I finally could invite people into my space and we have a 3 car detached garage from our house which is very excessive. We don’t need it but we bought the house for the garage really because my husband and I really.


Emily Mullet
Saw a vision to turn it into a gallery space in a gathering space. So the timing was right kind of in 2022 where we could have people over still primarily an outdoor events. It’s in a garage space but people would be comfortable to come out and so I thought let’s just really create this as a.



Emily Mullet
Art experience kind of the first one that I’m doing That’s not just in a digital space and not only did I want there to be physical art people could see but I wanted there to be a lot of interaction with the art because that you can’t do online like you can in person so that was.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Kind of the big vision and I work really well with having a strong end goal because that kind of fuels my daily my daily studio time. So yeah, that was always what I had in mind for showing the work.

Um, yeah.

And like did you like to when you started the how what happened None did you think up, did you come up with mind blooms and then you thought oh my God This could this could be something I could do like a whole show or. You thought like okay now it’s the time is right? Let’s let’s do whatever I do let this turn into this big thing.

Emily Mullet
Yeah I think in the fall and like when I was None thinking about it I felt like it was a very special concept and so I knew it had the power to become something big and so I Just let my brain kind of cook on it and think about it and then. My thought was you know I primarily saw my work just through myself. My thought was can I put together an experience that’s powerful enough that would bring interest from galleries or outside people who think oh if this is what she’s putting together entirely on her own. She can fill a gallery or a showroom and you know make a really powerful impact and like connect with the audience. So The show was to celebrate the collection and to celebrate the work but also to kind of provide a foundation for my work as an artist on a professional level and so that’s why. Had a videographer come and document the whole thing because it was really important to document the experience and just capture that yes.

Yeah, yeah, like you documented a lot of things like your process like you made these beautiful videos and like even with the show that was how hard I mean it. What I really laughed about this show. It wasn’t just. Like you said it was so well done so well documented and so well startedized Also like you just did not make the work. You really like you you pulled together all the pre post in between parts like how to reach how to engage how they put it together like.

Emily Mullet

I Wish I could have seen it in person. But even then I was so happy to see it virtually.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, and so again like that’s just kind of me thinking of what’s the most interesting thing for my audience and how will they be most connected with the work and I’m personally most connected with work when I see the artist’s story and the behind the scenes. So I’m pretty intentional.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
To be revealing that through the whole process and then my other I guess secret Super super power is that I am I am not a perfectionist So I’m not afraid to yeah it it goes a long way.

Um, oh wow, That’s such a nice thing to you.

Emily Mullet
But it makes me I’m not afraid to share my vlogs if they aren’t perfect I’m not afraid to be on Instagram stories if I haven’t put my makeup on and so having that. Thanks.

Listen none tell me your Instagram stories are really spot on like what do you use? you have to tell me like what is that secret like you look this like this beautiful light and like you look the same and like flawless and like I’m like what camera what is you using you have to like. Have to share that secret now I have the same oh. That’s the secret but you also have like great light I feel.

Emily Mullet
It’s my iphone iphone 13 yeah yeah, and and my desk right here is in front of a window and so I only shoot in natural light I don’t.

Okay, that’s the secret.

Emily Mullet
I don’t have to work at night I used to have to work at night. But I work primarily during the day and so natural light is like the best.

Like even though like I’m not saying like you need to have the best of equipments for things but like you know it does like every time you come up on your suit like on your stories and like I see like I just a I think None thing I feel I love the recall value like I’m also talking as a planned person now. Like I love the recall value because you look quite like your studio data here in None place like I have that mind association. There’s no distraction and like this perfect lighting and I just feel like it was such like it’s it’s so well put even though it doesn’t you like it’s not so.

Emily Mullet

Like you’re not making that effort. But even in spite of that. It’s so well put that it really puts focus.

Emily Mullet
Yeah I do try and keep what I share and where I share consistent just so it feels like if you’re starting and stopping a movie or a Tv show that you’re watching the same tv show so I am pretty consistent to shoot almost exclusively in my studio.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah, um.

Emily Mullet
And then if I happen to be in the yard you know working with spray painter or something then it’s kind of like a little excursion trip but I do try and keep it consistent consistent just so the audience doesn’t have to be like okay where is she again What is she doing but it’s familiar.

You’ve seen that? yeah.

Okay, tell me something what you could like I mean you could again choose not to do all of this and just create a body work and do it again through the way that you were doing before What’s really brought you to the idea of hosting your own solo show.

Emily Mullet
I Think it’s because it was the easiest thing to do because I didn’t need to be invited by a gallery I didn’t need to rent a space somewhere else I had the physical space. So Even though it’s a lot of work. It was also the easiest and most accessible thing. For me to do and so I thought yes yeah I didn’t a bird just hit my window. Um I didn’t need you know permission to do any of the things that I wanted to do and I was the person who was making all the decisions.

And also I think you had a control like you had all the control.


Emily Mullet
Which felt really good for the None time introducing a body of work because it’s exactly what I wanted to wanted it to be and it wasn’t being influenced by someone else’s you know, good intentions even if they were but it could change the course of how I wanted the work to be interpreted.

What were your innovations when you thought like I think we all as artists have wandered around the idea I have I’ve been thinking about it for so Long. So like you definitely inspired me like I was like. When you did that I was shooting for you and I was like oh my God This is amazing how you did it and it looks so gorgeous and I think it was such I think I crave at that experience more than like it’s not the credibility of the show or like you know you want to do it. But just you know the idea of experience making an experience of your work for someone. And owning that experience and see even like experiencing our own work I think we don’t get to do that like we just get to make the work sometimes and like experience all parts of it. But the joy of like presenting it and like putting it together the stories experience all of that. But. We all want that but we all don’t do that because there are a lot of things that hold us back I know a lot of things that hold me back Sometimes it’s real life situations. Sometimes it’s our own thoughts Our imposster negative Beliefs You’ve taken that plunge you’ve gone that far. So of course I’m sure you must have those yourself. But. What were those and how did you overcome them.

Emily Mullet
Yeah I mean I’m definitely. It’s so funny people don’t think I’m a negative thinker but I’m always thinking of the worst case scenario but I’m like I’m countering that and thinking. Okay, if this is what’s going to happen. How can I balance that or like be ahead of it.


Emily Mullet
So I can definitely get inside my own head and the show that I did had a lot of kind of abstract interactive elements and I thought is this like is this too weird like are people going to get it and so it made me self-conscious because I was showing my art in a. Non-traditional way and you know even sometimes art shown in a very traditional way works on panel or on canvas. They can still be misinterpreted or people you know, just don’t like them and so taking my art off of the panels and making it a None experience people interacted with.


Emily Mullet
Was a very vulnerable thing and I remember even the day of the show thinking. Maybe I just won’t show this and then my husband I’m so thankful for him. He’s incredibly supportive. Oh I know.


Who I love I Love his cartoon or God I I love where you live I mean this is like such a oh god.

Emily Mullet
I do feel like we live in a little fairy tale town. Yeah, where we’re yes you should visit. But yeah, everyone loves Peter he’s he’s a great person. Um.

Really oh Wow I’m I should pack my bags and come I think um.

Emily Mullet
But he was the one who and he he’s a great sounding board for me because he has very good taste and art and he personally loves buying art and collecting art. So the fact that he was so confident in my work really helped me push through my fears and made me accountable to actually follow through with it because.

Call. Yeah.

Emily Mullet
You know he was in on the planning he was just in my head you know, no one would have known the difference but he was the one who was there and was like no this is good. We need to be showing this.


But also like not just a fear of the work but like it’s It’s a lot of responsibility and it’s even if like I think I don’t know if that’s just me or lot of us like I am a perfectionist like I’m a recovering faist but that I just don’t feel ever goes Away. It’s like. Still stays in your head like you know when you think about like you know the thoughts that even if I make the good book. But so solution is just not about putting a work will I be able to call enough people if good people like it. Um you will like even if you will you know the thoughts very very genuine and. Um, I’m not even discarding my feelings because we all feel that like um also I think because it’s also not so normalized which it completely should should be I Think there’s so much beauty about artists owning their own solar shows I think I’ve had a few I Just visited here recently. And I Love that idea I think more of us need to do that. But there’s so much fear like oh um, who will we invite if people would come will I sell will I not sell will they like will they not like am I too much if there’s too traditional like every what what was what were yours and how how. Let’s talk about what were yours and then how did you deal with them and how that panned out.

Emily Mullet
Yeah I definitely had fears that not a single piece would sell and I had fears that no one would show up but I think part of what really helped me is that I chose to only create. Work this whole mind. Blooms concept I Only chose to create it because it was so personal to me and because it was so special and I think when you are able to be in that mindset and creating work that you just have to create that kind of. And don’t want to say it doesn’t matter if your work doesn’t sell because of course you want it to sell but it becomes more value. There’s more value in the artwork than just in the sales and so I remember thinking you know if stuff doesn’t sell like I will happily have this in my home because I love it so much and it’s so personal to me.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Emily Mullet
And so that was how I balanced the fears of not selling and then the fear of no one showing up. You know there’s definitely that fear of you know throwing a party and no one comes of course but to me it was more of you know I have at least my solid you know 10 friends.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Who will be there because they want to be supporting the show and they believe in my work and I thought to myself if this is nothing more than just a party with my friends that is that’s still a celebration and it is still like.

So by it.

Um, then it’s no fear. Yes I love that perfect.

Emily Mullet
Crossing the finish line of completing the show and I have the most important people there celebrating with me and so that just kind of you know, even if it was true that no one would show up I knew that I had a group of people who wanted to celebrate this show.

I Love that died.

Emily Mullet
With me and so having that truth along with the fear I think is what you know can keep you going and pushing through to just see it to the end.

I love that. Okay, let’s go over your planning part like and you did not only put out box like you experimented a lot I loved your like your installation of the sculptures then you did that flipbook then you did like oh my god I can’t even recall so many things you did like. Then you did that trajectorctor thing also and all of this I’ve seen only virtually I haven’t really experienced this why I’ve missed something but that that’s how I’m compensating today. so so you did like you really did experiment and you I think I so I felt like I could see that you truly. Let yourself fly and do like like just not okay, it would I think it’s it’s always safe for us to do things that are done a certain way and we know here this is how it works but to go beyond a certain line and then experiment and put in the hard work and knowing that he may not even come out the way we expect it to be. And then you did the bar cocktails and like the counter the installation and then you did the videos and then you also did the plea like the vlogs and like use a lot of work. It’s a lot of work. Can you take us through like this whole journey. Also for someone who’s also looking for starting. They’re like.

Emily Mullet
Yes, yes, so.

I Think it’ll be an actionable tape. Also for someone who wants to do their own whole shows. How to how they can plan better or push themselves.

Emily Mullet
Sure so in the very beginning I established how many pieces of fine art works on Panel I wanted to create because that’s really the artwork that people can purchase and take home and keep a part of the show. And then just from a like financial planning aspect I needed to create works that would sell so that was the core of the show and those pieces also carried the theme of the show. So Even if nothing else happened those works on panel were the most important and so I prioritize them.

Yeah, and.

Emily Mullet
So that the show could be built off of that foundation. So once I had yes. So once I had those works done and I made those throughout the entire process but I completed the core amount in the very beginning so I wouldn’t distract myself.

Um, I’m taking notes for myself. Also, um.

Emily Mullet
You know with all of the fun extras I had those done in the beginning and I also use the weekly vlogs as a tool to keep myself accountable because I wanted to show up every week and give my email subscribers an exclusive vlog of me creating this show.


But did you talk about the vlogs I remember seeing the bits of that but I don’t remember you talking about a show in those vlogs but did you eventually like.

Emily Mullet
And so it was.

Emily Mullet
Yeah I think in the in the very first one. Maybe I shared that I was these vlogs were working towards a show in my garage and it was every week was going to capture what I was doing so in order to put out those vlogs I had to actually be working in my studio. To have the content for the vlog. So It was good. Accountability. Yes, exactly Yes, So which was a I’m first I was like oh my gosh. Why did I say I would make these vlogs because I wasn’t.

Yes, ipsa. Absolutely and all this value were pregnant just me just just putting it out there.

Emily Mullet
Planning on being pregnant and I’m like how can I do this but it pushed me to stay in the studio. Even if it wasn’t long days just a little bit and then it was great encouragement for me because at the end of the week I put my footage together and I thought even if I had a bed week and I had to go to bed early and take naps I could see.

Um, yeah.

You did something.

Emily Mullet
Wow I actually I still did stuff even though I was tired or I couldn’t work as much as I want I still was able to put stuff together and so it became really encouraging for me to look at every single Friday so that’s how the vlogs were like accountability and encouragement for myself through this whole process and then. As far as all of the interactive stuff between the flip books and the sculptural concrete things. A huge part of my studio practice is I just love experimenting and I love not knowing what’s going to happen and how things are going to work out because once I figure something out I tend to get a little bored with it. But.

Um, sentimenting. Yeah. Yeah I get to.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, so the experimentation is really what gave me energy to keep going back into the studio and so for a while it was a whole phase of concrete and cement experimentation and how can I make these garden sculptures to go along with the garden theme of the whole show. And then a part of my practices I make stop motion videos that I post on Instagram and those are really just I kind of feel like I’m getting away with something when I do those because I can’t sell ah I mean I guess I could make an nft but I like.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Emily Mullet
People can’t really hold onto those in the same way they can hold onto a piece of art. But I love making them because they’re so playful and I think they give more life and meaning to my art and so I was thinking maybe I show videos at the at the show and then I recalled flip books which you know I made those as a kid I thought oh. These are perfect for flipbooks so I just printed them all out and put together some flipbooks and that was one of the most favorite parts of the show people had was being able to physicalally pick up my Stopmotion video.

Roll down.


Emily Mullet
And flip through it with their hands was just a whole another level of interacting with fine art that you can’t do by just viewing it on a wall.

Oh Wow So I’m writing next experimental ideas that I’m going to add all of this in the show notes experimenting in the studio to keep you going.

Emily Mullet

Emily Mullet
Yes, keeping it fun but I did all my like hard work. None of all the works on panel because I could have just experimented the entire time and distracting myself.

I remember I remember you doing the sculpture and sharing it on Instagram you were like you know, um, you were like um I don’t know what’s this happening I think you also had like some of. You put it out there and something happened and like oh my god this is a mess but then you were like a few days later you came on your stories and like I kind of think I really like what happened with this one and I think something I remember that the.

Emily Mullet

Emily Mullet
Yeah, and that’s part of the not being a perfectionist you know I’m okay sharing my mistakes because I want I find so much excitement in exploring and figuring stuff out that I want my audience to have that same type of.


Emily Mullet
Excitement you know, vicariously by watching these videos and wondering like what’s going to work. What’s going to happen and they feel like they are a part of the process too.

Yeah I loved that and I think it did really like I was connecting the dots all this while Oh yeah, That’s how this came here and you know I remember like when I was seeing the um you though you know you had that mask and like he was stringing in all of that and then. When we had um when we did that like you know your virtual like when we saw the show actually like oh my God I didn’t think of this I didn’t think how she replaced this like I we wereleasing one of the pieces but when you actually installed you put them together and like. Like you know as a viewer it will keeps doing these’s like oh that’s how oh yeah I could like you know I think that really interests me as a viewer least.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, it was interesting for me too because I’ve just been showing my work online and you know I knew all the work would be displayed together. But when it’s digital. It doesn’t really matter. You know what the size of things are and you can like.

Sizes like.

Emily Mullet
You can just put it all together in one post or divide it up very easily and do it every way you want to and it’s just more content but putting it in person I was like oh my goodness. Okay, this actually has to work like on a wall that you see in person and so it was It was great to see it come together and be like okay.

Um, yeah.


Emily Mullet
Exercising different parts of my brain to yeah, make the in-person experience just as exciting and better hopefully than an online experience.

Yeah, then what? what? what else did you do.

Emily Mullet
So one of the parts of the show I don’t think we mentioned yet was I had an interactive portion where there was a so let me just back up a little bit. We have the 3 car garage outback. So the first garage I had it divided so that was a garage full of all.

Um, yes.

Um, okay.

Emily Mullet
Moving art and all the garages I should say were theyre painted white on the interiors. We installed track lighting so it kind of had more of a gallery feel like there wasn’t a lawnmower inside of the garage. Yeah, so all 3 bays were open and the first one was all moving art. So that one had all of the flip books.

Um, yeah, yeah, ah.

Emily Mullet
I Had a stop motion video projected in there and then I had a crank box made which is basically ah it was a concrete box that works like a stop motion video or a flip book and but you crank it with this crank on the side of the box.

Um, yeah, yeah.

Emily Mullet
So there was all moving art in there and then the center garage I wanted there to be an interactive portion. So part of my process is I do silk screens to create the flower hair I draw all the flowers and then I burn them into screens and then print them and so.


Emily Mullet
In that process you use transparencies so I had all these flower transparencies and I was like how can I repurpose these so that it’s something that lives past just the manual process of making the screens and I was like hmm you know these could go on an overhead projector and then I thought.


Emily Mullet
What if I was able to create an experience where people walked in picked the flowers they wanted placed them on the projector and then created their own portrait of flower hair where you could stand in front of the light that was cast.

Thread of them. Oh wow.

Emily Mullet
And then they became actually a part of the work and I had this huge antique frame hung on the wall and so people would sit in a chair. The flowers would be cast on their heads and around them and then they could take pictures of their portraits that were made so that was the middle garage that was entirely interactive.

Um, how.

Um, found hi.

Emily Mullet
And that was really fun because that was the one I was nervous about because I’m like oh this might be too weird like people might not want to do this but that was another thing that everyone loved being able to interact with the art themselves and then take a souvenir picture of how their own Portrait turned out.

Um, yes.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, and then the final garage that was where all the fine art was hung and some of the more sculptural stuff.

Wow so you were okay so this is the planning of your work. Um, how hard was it for you to do it like I’m sure you you had Peter with you and he’s such He’s creative himself. Um. You experimented a lot like you know I’m sure these were not. You had to figure out a lot like we still know how to make the work we could figure out the post and like the show part but you also post yourself ahead and then did these experiments and then you know how was that for you like how hard was that. Figuring things like especially these experimental ideas.

Emily Mullet
I Mean for me the experiments and all of that the risk is it doesn’t work out you know which you know can sound like a big deal but I had the core of what I knew I needed the works on panel which was the major.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Part of the show I knew I had that under control and I did that None and so like the concrete pieces. For example, some of them didn’t work out and I thought okay I I won’t show those and that’s like the worst thing that could happen especially because I wasn’t promising a gallery that I could put together. You know.

Um, yeah.

Um, could happen.

Um, yeah, um.

Emily Mullet
All these different concrete things. You know I was I had that goal for myself. But I was I wasn’t letting anyone outside down and so that was that was helpful and you know again if the flip books didn’t work out. Okay.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
I don’t I don’t show them and maybe we just use 2 garages and that’s okay and I think part of the like having that leniency with yourself of here’s the goal. Let’s try and shoot for it and if it doesn’t work out doesn’t work out but also with that here’s the goal.


Emily Mullet
And I can exceed that goal and I can once I start experimenting it can go even better and so it’s I think it’s being open to letting things go that don’t work out and then embracing what ends up working out which is kind of the whole concept.

I’m seeing huches of hunting all the advantages of not being a perfectionist. Oh my God like this head of us like sometimes oh God I’m like why can’t you just shut. Ah.

Emily Mullet
It’s so good. Ah.

Emily Mullet
Yes, ah and what’s funny is that whole concept of you know, being free to let go of what doesn’t work and freely embracing what does work That’s really the whole concept of the mind blooms the artwork because it’s about.


Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Like nurturing and growing what does work and not forcing things to grow that aren’t growing like if that’s not what you should be doing like just being free to let but that go and then once you actually nurture what you can create and who you are. That’s when it’s like oh this is amazing because you can’t really predict.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
That type of an outcome if you just like invest where you know what’s working That’s when really exciting stuff happens.

Amazing. Okay, then. What’s the next part then let’s say you did like how much of pre planning. Did you do for like you were making all of these works. Um. Did you need to do more pre-planning than it came to placing these work and installing What did you just take out it when you were doing it.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, so fortunately I had a professional videographer come to document the entire show and he was there. Yeah yeah, that was great that was really great and he’s someone who fortunately I had worked with professionally.

Oh that’s a great idea you I We need your text.

Emily Mullet
Um I had styled a bunch of shoots for him and so we work well together and really trust each other and he’s just great at capturing a vision Bud Haman he’s my guy. Um, so he came two weeks before the show opening which made me nervous because I thought I might not have enough time.

Um, okay, okay.

Emily Mullet
To make all the work I want to make but having that deadline pushed up really helped me because then the 2 weeks leading up to the show I could make the minor adjustments that I thought okay this was okay on camera because we could kind of like fake the layout but in person it needs to be altered a little bit. Um.

To when you recorded if someone who’s doing a solo. So I really like the idea of how your videos were just not the installation but your process and different stages. So how do you like even and being on budget is a big thing for all of us when we’re doing things on our own.

Emily Mullet
And then it gave me time to do.

Emily Mullet
Ah, here.

Emily Mullet

We only have so much um and hiding someone bringing someone else to you know it all comes with a lot of pre-planning and clarity of how you want to do certain things. So how did you make it show like how did you make sure that your video has parts of both and.

Emily Mullet

But is the right time and how many times should you bring of a geographer and all of that.

Emily Mullet
So my recommendation for bringing on a photographer or videographer mean photography is kind of you know it’s important to document your work all the time because if it sells you know you do not have the opportunity to document it anymore. But for something special like a videographer.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
My advice to artists is okay, why do you want the video like why do you want the video for me I wanted the video so that I could be showing that to galleries and saying this is the experience I can create and I wanted the video to be. If someone has never seen my work before let’s educate them a little bit of who I am and how I make and then let’s show them the full experience. So it’s kind of a complete story and so I had a very specific reason why we’re in this video and then. How are you gonna share it. How are you gonna use this video so why and how so I knew my why and then how is okay, this has to be on my website for sure I can be putting this out on Instagram I can be putting it on Youtube and so having a plan of like why do you want this? Why is it important and then how are you gonna use it because sometimes.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
You can invest a lot into a video or photography and then have no plan of how you want to share it or even why you want to share it because you’re like for photography you’re given a whole file folder of images. You’re like what do I do with this so having that like understanding of why you want it.

And then if we not.

Nap. Right.

Emily Mullet
And then how you’re going to use. It is really crucial because you could just spend you know endless money and time because it takes a lot of time to do that stuff and it may not be the wisest thing for you to do So That’s my advice with that.

Okay, so you how did you break it for yourself. Did you you how many times did you pray bring in your photographer.

Emily Mullet
He just came one day and it was probably a half day of shooting but Beforehand I had the entire set set up so he wasn’t really there for any of that and because I do have a background in styling for video shoots and photo shoots I.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Had a vision of okay here’s the key elements to what we have to capture but again because I’m not a perfectionist. It’s that balance of here’s the essentials but then let’s see what happens on set because some really organic and beautiful things can come out of that and.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
You also have to know your videographer and photographer as well because some some people will not like that freedom. Ah my friend bud who’s my videographer he loves having creative freedom and like oh this is awesome. Maybe we could shoot it this way like at 1 point he had a ladder and was up.

Um, yes.

Um, whatever.

Emily Mullet
Up in the rafters of the garage because he went’ at a specific angle and he was really passionate about capturing my process my process of creating which I was kind of less passionate about but I’m so glad that he really pushed that end because it tells the more complete story of who I am.

He did.

Emily Mullet
And how this all came together, especially for people who don’t know my work. It’s very important.

Okay, so then you had you, you documented like a preview of your process and you also called enough videographer on the day that you installed like your actual day.

Emily Mullet
Ah, he came? yeah yeah I think I stole on a Friday and he came on Monday and shot the whole thing.

Yeah, so two days like your process and your final installation. So that’s anyone you want to show this project to kind of high idea of both how to do it How you did it how it would look like right then next yes I.

Emily Mullet
And yeah, yeah, and so yeah, so then after all the videos were done the show was up and so I didn’t have to do a whole lot of work setting up the show the the day of. But there was details like gallery cards for all of the pieces and I do I do a qr code system where I have all of the pieces they’re listed for sell my website that way I don’t risk someone buying online and then buying in person. There’s like None people bought the piece.

Um, yeah.

So basically when you installed your piece anyone scans a secure code and directly buys it online. That’s so fantastic.

Emily Mullet

Emily Mullet
Yeah, yep, it all just goes right through my website and like fortunately I had a it was a great day for sales because I actually launched the collection for sale on a Thursday night to my email subscribers then I made the collection live for everybody on a friday. And then the show was Saturday so most of the pieces had actually yeah so most of the pieces. Actually yeah, they mostly sold before the in-person show. Um, which was yeah I mean that’s what everyone wants right? Best case scenario.

Oh the show was post. Oh wow, That’s a different area.

Um, that’s fantastic. Yeah.

Emily Mullet
So but it also I mean that process too gave me 3 different talking points as far as in terms of sales. You know if you’re an artist like having those reasons to be going out so one is this is email subscribers only 2 this is for everybody 3 this is the in-person experience. Yeah.

Um, yeah.

In person. Okay I love this advice I think yeah and then I think with this what I doly felt when you’re saying this is that we sometimes like if you really have None like something like you have 1 reason let’s say.

Emily Mullet
So it’s helpful when you give yourself those talking points of like when your art’s available and all of that.

Okay I did this? let’s say I released a collection now What if a lot of time. It’s like I feel like gaining momentum takes time and we all begin somewhere. So anyone who um, or even taking a leap or anything like that. Like giving yourself another reason even tricking your mind like oh I need to reach out to my audience now because this was for C email subscribers now I Want to remind them. This is for a continuously trying to reach out to them and when you make it in tears and special like.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, yeah, cause it’s hard to keep showing up and saying the same exact thing. So if you can say the same end goal a couple different ways. It makes it easier for you because you’re communicating it slightly differently.

Your your mind doesn’t mess with you like you know with this whole impossible thing that. Um, yes.

Okay, what about the part of let’s say anyone who’s doing a solution like a solo show. Ah the biggest fear is bringing people. Do you have any ideas that you want to share what work for you? What info for you when it came to collecting people.

Emily Mullet

And a lot of people are intimidated with having like to talk about their work within their in their person and like I think the difference between gallery owned and your own is like you still have someone as a gallery who’s taking care of everything but when you’re an artist solo Show. You are the point of saying you are the one who’s talking about the work talking like it’s It’s a lot of you and lot of responsibility on you.

Emily Mullet
Um, yeah, yeah, so fortunately I kind of know how my audience buys and I know that they usually buy as soon as I release the collection So I had a feeling that most of the sales would happen before the show which.


Um, okay.

Emily Mullet
Was helpful because I wasn’t trying to handle transactions and you know be chatting at the same time. So I think if you have sold work before and understanding how people like to buy you can apply that information to your own experience and as far as.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Getting people to the show I was kind of like I don’t know say funny about it. But I you know I’m giving out my personal address so I did not want that on the internet So I had what did I do.

Oh yes, yes.

Emily Mullet
I had many business cards created like a little half size I had those printed and one side it just said mind blooms on the other side. It said my address with the date and time and so I gave those personally to any friends so that they would have the information that was 1 method and then.

Um, okay.

Um, okay.

Emily Mullet
I don’t really use ah like the close friends portion of Instagram stories except for when I’m doing an in-person show like this and so I had a very select amount of people who I’m comfortable having my address and on the close friends portion of Instagram stories I gave them the specific information. And I believe to my email subscribers I just said if you’re interested in coming just contact me and I can give you the information. So I know who was requesting my information. Yeah so I was very controlled about that and you know my you know 3 car garage sounds huge but correct.

Get me who’s getting there. That’s that’s important.

Emily Mullet
Are kind of small when you have more than like 10 people in there so it always felt kind of full even if there wasn’t a ton of people there and you know I I kind of prefer I am I’m truly an introvert like I do not love I do not love big parties.

Um, yeah.

Um, yeah, he having to I think anyways too many people. Yeah I know I like I Love small intimate gatherings I think.

Emily Mullet
So yeah, so for me having you know it the most there is probably 20 people there at 1 time. The show is over the course of like it was like 5 hours so having that open timeframe allowed for smaller. Groups of people to gather which I would prefer that because when it’s a huge crowd then I I just feel like I can get lost in that crowd and run a want to go inside I’ll be in my house. You guys stay in the girl.

I agree. Okay I have the libertyity I have the privilege. Okay, and okay, another question is like you said you knew that you want you would be able to sell a lot of your work.

Emily Mullet
Um, yeah.

The moment you release your collection and like online something which a lot of people still struggle with and I’m not um I don’t I don’t want to say still like we all come through that path and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t what are your best tricks spent some months like doing this. Fidget like physical and digital and sometimes even doing digital releases. What are your tips on making sure that you’re doing what you can to pull it customers make more sales and stuff like that.

Emily Mullet
So what I think is important is to be willing to try a lot of things because my specific how I now conduct my sales online I have I have several years of information. Of what has worked and what has not worked and when something doesn’t work I think it’s important to instead of blocking it out and shutting it down identifying why what was different about this sale and why did it not work because.

Um, yeah, um.

Emily Mullet
It might not be the artwork. It might be that you tried to release something on small business saturday which sounds like a great idea in November cuts a huge buying time. Um, but. You also have to realize that none of other people are also releasing on small business saturday and so that was a lesson I learned where I did not sell as many as I probably could have when I released a collection several years ago on small business saturday and I thought well.

A lot of competition.

Emily Mullet
Every other maker and small business owner is doing the exact same thing and so everyone there’s a ton of distraction and people have to choose what they want to buy so that was information that I took okay releasing on those type of national days or near holidays is not the best.

I Love that.

Emily Mullet
Time to do that and so for me I thought okay I’m not going to do that again and I’ve also learned that typically for me the day of the week is very important so Fridays are for sure my best day to release a collection and so I only release work on Fridays yeah, because I’ve tried other days of the week

Do it and.

Emily Mullet
And it’s it’s not the same so that could differ for your audience though depending on you know who you’re selling to and what you’re doing and so this I was nervous about doing I had my email subscribers. This was the first time they had early access Thursday evening and I thought it made me nervous because it wasn’t a Friday and so.

Yeah, they live.


Emily Mullet
Yeah, it it did end up working because the people who were really wanting pieces. They were able to get what they wanted and because I felt you know I I don’t know if you feel like this but sometimes I feel bad like if 2 people want the same piece so I’m like okay at least I’m giving you hurly access.

Um, who said that. Yeah.

Emily Mullet
And then I did my normal release on Friday so when something good happens with a sale like list out everything all the reasons why you think it was good. Was it a Friday was it. You know, not near a holiday um like why did this work out and I think it’s important too.

Oh love that advice.

Emily Mullet
You know it’s not only when you release it what happens but what did you do before the sale and you know maybe None time you shared a lot more on your stories or you posted every day leading up to the sale and if you saw a boost in sales make a mental note of that and so. You know it’s time consuming and tedious to continually be okay, let’s do this as a test round and see what happens but having several years of releasing small collections and just objectively observing the information and trying not to take it personally has.

Um, now.

Emily Mullet
Given me the information how I can have my best sale.

I Love that idea what else do you want to share what what was the biggest learning all through this all of this.

Emily Mullet
I think I learned that vlogs are very good for me doing the vlogs. Yeah and they were helpful for me and they were helpful for my audience.

I think I I Really love that idea I I agree.

Emily Mullet
And if you can nail down from something from your studio practice that is helpful for you and your audience That’s that’s gold. That’s gold because that’s what’s going to be sustainable.

That’s great. But how do you?? But how do you make it like a lot of people I Even sometimes I like I bought a camera and then for the past. A lot of months have been in between. So for me, it’s a very tricky situation but a lot of times people who even have like a place like having setting up the camera recording like all of that feels like a struggle So How how do you record? How do you make it like and then doing it weekly or daily like it’s a huge task like. Going uploading then videos are not the easiest to load and need they take forever. But I noticed with your blocks so they were tiny. They weren’t like super huge so it wasn’t in not the time consuming for me and then also I’m sure more practical for you to work around what are your tips on that.

Emily Mullet

Emily Mullet
Yeah, exactly I mean when I that was another thing whereas I was experimenting of this week is going to be a long form blog. This week is going to be a one-minute vlog.


Emily Mullet
And that was another testing thing I was doing and not taking the information personally if someone didn’t want to watch a 7 minute video of me because I wouldn’t want to watch that so it was doing that testing of what works best and so I think short.

Um, yeah.

Work better.

Emily Mullet
Is the answer which I think we kind of all know but having a video that is 1 minute what’s tricky is being able to tell a full story in that 1 minute that’s actually what you want to watch so and that’s fine tuning of you know what’s best for your process.

Um, it has to eat Yes I know.

Emily Mullet
I would say a 1 minute vlog and having a clear beginning and a clear end is important so that it feels like someone has watched the start something to start to finish and they feel like they’ve they’ve seen a process come together or they’ve learned something.

I dare. Yeah.

Emily Mullet
The middle I just have choppy process of whatever I happen to caption happened to capture but having a clear whether it’s showing your blank canvas at the beginning and then showing the finished piece at the end. Yeah, just have a clear clear book ends to the video.


Something you made progress I love and were you recording with your phone. Oh I I wish Wow I think you I think your phone has paid off a lot of ah.

Emily Mullet
And again, don’t be a perfectionist. Yeah, it’s all with my phone. Don’t be a perfectionist That’s the number one. Oh worth every penny.

For you because I think even with I didn’t I all this while I thought you were shooting on a camera because the quality was so good.

Emily Mullet
No, and that’s what makes it so easy is because I don’t have a big setup if I I’m this is what I do I’m working working working ooh that looks interesting I take a quick video and then I go back to working.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
And then if with if there’s ever something interesting visually to me I just take a video and it’s probably 5 seconds and I don’t this is a good tip too. Don’t film your whole studio process because then you got to edit all that content.

Um, yeah. Um, yeah, on load of footage.

Emily Mullet
And rewatch it and I don’t want to do that and I don’t really have time to do that. So just taking those None clips is it’ll make your life way easier. Yeah.

Makes such a great advice and where are you hosting where were you hosting these videos. What website platform are you using if anybody oh you know I remember you sending those in links in an amen.

Emily Mullet
Um, yeah, you guessed right? So I put my videos on Youtube because I um it wasn’t important to me that they were private or exclusive and i.

I Think you also use Quespace I don’t know I mean you give away all the time.

Um, and some of it.

Emily Mullet
Feel like Youtube is a platform that I need to be investing more time on. So I thought okay this is an easy solution I will put them on Youtube they will be hosted there and then with my Squarespace site I can put the link into my vlog format and yeah, it’ll play it through my website.

To the Youtube.

Emily Mullet
And play it on Youtube through my website so that people kind of have a cohesive branding experience by staying on my site. Yeah.

Yeah, and later on even if you like you want to expand on your Youtube and then redirect more people even that pis up for you. That’s so this was your post um any other tips that can break home make when people are doing things on their own like.

Emily Mullet
And yep, yep.

Anything else that you feel is important that I haven’t asked 1 or 1 how to own your sho wanto and with Emily but I love this I can’t tell you how much I love this episode I know.

Emily Mullet
So something that I think is yeah, what was very oh good I’m so glad I think it’s very important to tell your audience what you’re doing.


Emily Mullet
If I hadn’t told my audience in January I am working towards a show in may people would watch me create content maybe stay engaged hopefully stay engaged but not really know why I was doing everything but because I had told people I am doing a show in may and then every time I posted about. Show or about the work I was making I would somehow include this is for the mind bloom show in may so that everyone knew exactly what was happening and as it got closer people would be more excited and maybe people didn’t join in and really check out myself until april.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
But the several people who had been tracking this whole process since January you know they felt very invested and excited about it for me. Yeah, exactly it’s much more interesting. So just telling people. This is what I’m doing here’s where I’m going.

Bye I’m there I’m on the list.

Emily Mullet
And again, it’s kind of like the vlogs like having those bookends of this is where I’m starting this is where I’m ending. Yeah, it’s just easier for people to follow what you’re doing and I know it can sound redundant to say this is for the mind Bloom show and me yeah ya yada It’s like okay that feels boring to me.

This is where I’ll end.

Um, no yeah.

Emily Mullet
But now everyone’s reading every post and even if they are. It’s constantly reinforcing your end goal and makes the whole process that much more exciting.

Hi okay, and all this while while you were doing the videos. What did you do with Instagram were you showing sneakwit I remember you were showing you were showing all everything all this file. What was your thought behind because I think I’ve seen 2 different patterns a lot of time like.

Emily Mullet

And there’s a right and wrong I think where we are in a headspace is all that matters the most like a lot of times who feel um, they’re doing the show ittics like you they need to separate themselves. They care off social media get off everything and a lot of people just keep sharing and building and keep sharing and building like cut it. Um.

Emily Mullet

What were you doing with social media that helped you pull this off.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, so I think it’s important again to just know yourself specifically and if you know that showing behind the scenes is going to really stress you out and make you upset, especially if you have to scratch stuff then I would say don’t use that as a tool and.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Really identify what you want to share and what you don’t want to share for me I’m very comfortable sharing my process and if I scrap something I’m very comfortable saying that and I like doing that a that’s how I enjoy observing other people but it makes me you know.

Claiming that.

Emily Mullet
Not having to show up perfect is what keeps me sharing and keeping me authentic and I don’t have to like wait and wait and wait to share something and it keeps me fluid.

Um, yeah, light.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
And it keeps me accountable because if I know I’ve been consistently sharing my whole process I have people who are excited to see that and so it keeps me accountable in my studio. So I kind of treated Instagram as an accountability partner and I shared.

I Love that idea.

Emily Mullet
My work you know I I never share anything that I’m not you know, comfortable sharing with you know that’s that’s not healthy, but I use it as a tool for accountability to show up in my studio and then how I kept it separate from my vlogs is that on the vlogs I kind of gave a little bit more of a look into my process.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
And all of the footage was different so and that was easy to keep separate because Instagram stories. It’s all vertical and reels are all vertical but for Youtube the horizontal format works so it had to be different footage for that reason too. But that way people weren’t saying the same seeing the same thing twice.

Um, yeah, yeah, that.

Same thing. Yeah.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, and so something that I ah learning from that whole vlog experience is my audience for the vlog was of course much smaller because I just started it so I did feel like it wasn’t you know I had less views on the footage that I saved and kept special.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
So I had to figure out. Okay, what do I share on Instagram because I want the most people to see it of course and then what do I keep separate this just for the vlog and so that’s something that I’m still trying to think about what do I do in the future so that I’m not creating a ton of work for myself.

Um, yeah.

Um, yes.

Emily Mullet
But still giving value to the people who are actually willing to go through my emails go to the vlog and watch it separately. So that’s something that I’m still playing around with as far as perfecting for myself and for my audience.

Oh my god this is like ah like a whole new learning experience like I feel like learned so much so much from you in this past hour. Oh my god I I’m telling you anyone who’s listening to this episode guys. Please please make sure that you give um. Emily a huge shout out say a thank you to her because um, I’m telling you like this information is worth so much to you? Um, you could have like it’s a lot of service for you to even share and like you know, share your learnings. You’re saving so many people. Ah, lot of time energy and mistakes and anyone who’s listening please make sure you share this episode you follow Emily Tagger Ta us and let us know that you’re listening and make sure you you say her a big big. Thank you.

Emily Mullet
You’re so kind. Thank you toruka.

I am so proud of you I really I seriously I really enjoyed the entire process and I think a lot of times even because in in in that process like in the past one year my whole work like I have I’ve struggled a lot when it came to my own practice because. First I wasn’t in the mind space then I’ve I’ve been struggling with location with you know, having my my life all over the place and like you know and every time I would see you and I like you know when you have this vision like you see someone and like okay you know this is I I will go through these hard times so that. I can come here I can do this so and also I think it makes me so so happy to see someone I um I love and adore you know, send that share that ener energy. It’s because you take us on our journey and I felt like I was on that journey with you and when I saw um. Even with the artist of phoenix I think you’ve been doing such amazing work. They also want to talk about that.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, sure so artists of Phoenixville that’s the time I living is Phoenixville and I built this platform on Instagram as a way to be. Ah. Live reflection of all the art that was happening in this town because I knew there were so many artists living here and I didn’t want it to go unug undocumented and I didn’t want us to not know each other so I selfishly created this platform because I thought hmm you know I had the.

Um, yes, such a big cost.

Emily Mullet
Idea of wow I wish someone would you know be sharing about all the art happening this town I was like well might as well be me so I started this on Instagram and it’s basically just a way to document every artist that is in this town creating and it has developed into.


Emily Mullet
Ah, much bigger community than I even had first visualized I you know I thought there may be like 20 people I personally knew but it has grown far more than that and then last year I did launch a magazine for the community that’s documenting everybody what they’re creating and kind of gives some more in-depth interviews.

Um, oh wow. Yes.

Emily Mullet
About specific artists. So that’s just a little side platform that I have that has been really fun to build and you know just recognize other artists and encourage them like that is is equally satisfying. Is you know, just even documenting the artwork. But yeah.

Um, yeah I Love that is I Love your soul I Love everything that you do I Just can’t even tell you how proud I am of you.

Emily Mullet
Caring for people as individuals has been really rewarding.

And you have not put out there yet. Anybody who doesn’t know Emily also has another job which is of being a mother. So so yeah I mean it’s um.

Emily Mullet
Yes, that 1 is in the works cooking cooking as we speak.

Like you being pregnant all this while um, taking challenges like these varying None hats. It’s believe me, it’s just given me so much encouragement right now like sometimes you’re in my own struggle than feel like oh. I have this going on that going on how I push through this fear are or all of that and sometimes you just need someone else to show you listen I did this so I can do this can you and yes.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, something else I would like to share is everything that I’ve been doing like with the artist a Phoenixville platform or even my own art practice I try and figure out the most sustainable thing in the beginning so that.

Um, when.

Emily Mullet
If it can grow and expand and become something more amazing. But if you know I’m in a position where I can’t invest as much time that it can still keep going and so yeah, that’s something I do with ours a Phoenixville where it’s you know I’m primarily reposting other people’s work and so that.

Be there.

Emily Mullet
Takes off a lot of time of my play because I’m not creating any new content and then with my own artwork. You know I’ve intentionally kept how I share about it. Very simple and imperfect so that you know as I have a baby in the future I’m not.

Um, yeah.

Emily Mullet
Feeling ashamed if I have to if I don’t have perfect videos anymore because they were never the perfect videos. So just identifying you know what is a meaningful way for you to be sharing and investing in your community. But what’s the sustainable version of that too.

Um, yeah.

I Love that Oh my God Thank you so much. Thank you I Really am so grateful for our conversation and for your heart.. Thank you so much for doing this I am I Just can’t wait to see all all the amazing things that you’re going to do forward. Because I know and I’m going to bring you back so many more times because there’s so much that we need to learn from you.

Emily Mullet

Emily Mullet
I Would love to be back. This has been so much fun and it’s so much fun to talk with you. Ah.

Um, same. We are see me. Okay, but tell me something um where you are right now where I know that you this is your fifth month and you’re expecting a change in your life. A new member apart from this project. Anything else that’s been cooking that you want to talk about shared with us. Oh my god another. Yes.

Emily Mullet
Um, why? Yes, so yes, so part of my videos that I’m filming this summer I am planning on launching 2 courses in August so I know I’m like.

Um, okay oh wow.

Emily Mullet
I’m really squeezing everything in right before the baby but the None course is called creating collections and this is basically my process for creating collections and how that makes your work stronger and how it’s also easier for you to be selling your work.

Um, okay.

Emily Mullet
So that will be a several-week course that I’m playing together right now that will be in August and then the second course I’m launching will be called words that sell and I don’t know if you know this but part of my background is I used to I used to design product.

Hold round.

Um, yes.

Emily Mullet
I designed dinnerware and bakeware that was sold on a shopping channel and so everything I designed was basically designed with the intention to be sold live on television and there’s all sorts of strategies involved with that and how you do that is the most efficient. And different words that you can be incorporating around whatever you are selling and so I’ve applied a lot of that knowledge to how I sell my artwork and at None I didn’t think I did that but then one of my friends was like no, there’s something happening like there’s something going on why your work is selling.

Can do it mad way and then.

Emily Mullet
And so I’ve put together a whole guide of what you can be saying before your studio sale during your studio sale and then after your studio sale. So and you can apply it all to whatever you are making and it’s just it’s a whole guidebook. Basically that I can’t wait for artists to get their hands on.

Oh Wow goodness I Can’t wait to get my hands on it. You have to let me know when this up we will We will shout on top of our voices to make sure this reaches as many people as possible.

Emily Mullet
Yes, yes.

Emily Mullet
Thank you I appreciate it.

Absolutely I am so proud of you and thank you so much for all doing all the amazing work that you’re doing Okay, last thing very where anyone who’s listening to you. Let me know where you can find like where people can find you share your platform’s website and Also. Can we get more information on the show more pictures and videos that you can so that we can actually give people an excuses and redirect to your website but also share like bits of what we’s spoken about on the show notes.

Emily Mullet
Yeah, of course so I’m most active on Instagram Emily mullet just my name and then my website is also Emily mullet so pretty easy to remember and on my website I have a ah page that’s titled gallery and if you click on mind blooms. You will have access to none of pictures the video and then I’ve written in detail. What the whole collection was actually about so you can understand the meaning behind all of the intention I put into it.

I’m going to link all of that spend more time on your website at night because I’m so inspired and thank you. So so much I’m no, you should take some rest now. Thank you so much by.

Emily Mullet
Um, thank you bye.


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Emerging Woman Artist Award (Fall Edition 2024)

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          International Open Call For Artists

            Get Published in 101 Artbook Edition 3

               Theme: Portrait
                Submit your work to get featured in our expertly curated books highlighting the
                work of artists and distributed to art lovers, gallerists, artists, curators and art
                patrons all over the world.



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International Open Call For Artists

Get Published in 101 Artbook Edition 3

Theme: Portrait

Submit your work to get featured in our expertly curated books highlighting the work of artists and distributed to art lovers, gallerists, artists, curators, and art patrons all over the world.

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