
How to promote your art through email marketing in 2023

Are you an artist eager to sell more of your art? Many artists face the challenge of turning curious onlookers into actual buyers. You might showcase your art at open studio events, participate in art fairs, and maintain an active social media presence, but immediate sales are rare. People can easily walk away, and you risk fading from their memory.

The secret to increasing art sales lies in staying connected with those who appreciate your work. They need to become familiar with you, see your art repeatedly, and trust you before making a purchase.

This is where email marketing comes into play. Email marketing is like an artist’s superpower. It’s a way to stay close to your fans, communicate with your clients, and showcase and sell your art. With your email list, you can send personalized messages to those who genuinely want to hear from you, sharing news about upcoming events, new art pieces, and exclusive deals. It’s also a way to build your own community of art enthusiasts.

Moreover, email marketing helps you maintain connections with past art buyers, remind those who have shown interest, and reach out to potential new customers. It’s a means to have meaningful conversations with your fans and keep them engaged. And the best part? It’s much more budget-friendly than other types of advertising.

Now, you might be wondering, how can you start with email marketing for your artwork? In this guide, we’ll walk you through straightforward and effective strategies to harness the power of email marketing, ensuring that you remain top-of-mind for potential customers and, ultimately, boost your art sales. Let’s get started!

Why artists need email marketing

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Getting your art noticed and creating a buzz about your work can be quite the challenge! Many artists turn to the digital world, building websites and claiming spots on various social media platforms.

While these efforts can expand your reach, there’s a catch – your audience isn’t in one safe place. You’re relying on them to come back to you. When people click that “follow” button on social media, you’re essentially at the mercy of the platform. Even when you gain a new follower on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, there’s no guarantee your art will show up in their newsfeed. So much for getting your artwork seen, right?

The solution is to kickstart a robust email marketing strategy and build your art email list. When you collect email addresses, you gain direct communication.

Here’s why you should start email marketing now:

1. You have control of your email list, unlike your social media accounts.

2. Email keeps you from fading into obscurity.

3. You can sell to your email list.

4. Email is personal, creating a unique connection.

5. Email marketing automation can work for you even while you’re catching some Z’s.

In a nutshell, email marketing gives you a direct line to your art-loving audience and helps you stay in the spotlight.

What are the types of email marketing 

Creating a newsletter might be the simple part, but getting it into an art lover’s inbox and convincing them to open and read it is part of a broader communication strategy. It all starts with a fundamental question: What is your main goal as an artist?

Whether your aim is to raise awareness about your work, strengthen your brand, or boost art sales, an email marketing campaign is a key component of a successful strategy.

While newsletters are a well-known form of email marketing, they are just the tip of the iceberg. Think of it as having a pen pal. When you subscribe to a mailing list, you receive a series of emails with various intentions. These emails can range from a warm welcome to content that delves deeper into the artist’s persona and their work, providing insights into their pieces and how to acquire them. It’s a relationship that’s nurtured and evolves over time.

Here are some types of emails you can use in a campaign or strategy:

Lead nurturing emails:

These are content-centered emails designed to strengthen the connection with potential customers, guiding them along their art-buying journey with the aim of encouraging specific actions.

Welcome email:

This is your introduction, giving art lovers a better sense of who you are and the type of content they can expect.

Confirmation emails:

Sent within minutes of sign-up, these emails allow users to confirm their intent to join the mailing list.

Transactional emails:

Triggered by user actions, these can include abandoned cart emails, sent when a potential collector adds artwork to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase.

Want to know more about how to build a lead through a marketing funnel? Listen to the Arts to heart’s project podcasts on YouTube or Login into your ATH club account to start free trial to access it.
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How to use email marketing to gain more referrals 

Build your email list

Start by curating a list of contacts who are most likely to have an interest in your creations. This could include past clients, fellow artists, or individuals who have previously expressed an interest in your work.

Work on the content of your email

Create an email that shines a spotlight on your recent artwork, exhibitions, or noteworthy achievements. Include high-quality images of your creations and provide a glimpse into each piece by sharing details like the medium, size, and the inspiration behind them.

Incorporate a call to action 

 Motivate your recipients to share your art with others who might share the same passion for your creations. Implement a call to action that encourages them to forward your email or share your portfolio with their network.

Make sure to include a direct link to your digital portfolio in your email. Ensure it’s user-friendly by organizing your work into series or mediums. Consider enhancing your portfolio with multimedia elements such as videos or audio to offer a more immersive experience.

Reach out to those who have shown interest in your art and offer to address any questions they may have regarding your artistic process. This personal touch can help establish stronger connections and lead to more referrals in the long run. Using email marketing and your digital portfolio, you can extend your reach and cultivate a network of referrals for your art. The key lies in creating engaging content that shows your journey while making it effortless for your recipients to share your work with others who share their love for art.

How using an email marketing strategy can benefit artist and promote their work

Building and maintaining a mailing list is a valuable asset for any artist. Here are some of the key benefits:

Direct connection:

 One of the most significant advantages is having a direct line of communication with your audience. Unlike social media platforms or other marketing channels, your email list is entirely under your control. You can send your message straight to your subscribers’ inboxes, ensuring that your art is seen.

Nurturing relationships

An email list allows you to nurture relationships with your audience. By consistently sending updates, stories, and information about your art, you can engage your subscribers and build a sense of community around your work. Over time, this engagement can lead to increased loyalty and support from your subscribers.

Targeted marketing:

With a well-segmented email list, you can tailor your messages to specific groups of subscribers. This means you can send content and offers that are more relevant to their interests and buying behaviors. Personalized marketing is more likely to resonate with your audience and drive conversions.

Increased art sales:

As you continue to engage with your subscribers and show your art, some will naturally progress from being interested observers to becoming art collectors. Your email list is a valuable tool for promoting your artwork and driving sales. You can share information about upcoming exhibitions, new pieces, and special offers, enticing subscribers to make a purchase.

Building anticipation:

Your email list is an excellent way to create anticipation for your art-related events. Whether you’re hosting an exhibition, launching a new collection, or organizing a workshop, you can use your list to generate excitement and ensure a strong turnout.

Long-term growth 

An email list is an asset that can continue to grow over time. As you reach more people and expand your network, your list becomes an increasingly powerful tool for reaching a broader audience and achieving your artistic goals.

Cost-Effective marketing:

 Compared to many other marketing channels, email marketing is cost-effective. You don’t have to spend a substantial budget on advertising to reach your subscribers. This makes it an ideal choice for artists with limited resources.


Incorporating email marketing into your weekly routine is an essential step for artists looking to thrive in the digital age. Regularly sharing your creative journey and art with your audience through well-crafted emails, and leveraging modern marketing tools, will help you expand your reach and increase your sales significantly. 

But don’t forget the most crucial part – asking for sales. While it doesn’t need to be in every email, don’t shy away from it. Close your emails with a simple call to action, inviting your subscribers to explore your website or reply to the email to make a purchase. By doing so, you can turn your engaged audience into loyal art collectors and propel your artistic career to new heights. So, make email marketing a consistent part of your journey, and watch your audience and sales grow exponentially.

So, that’s all for today! If you’re looking for more ideas and inspiration, check out our blog on “10 Newsletters Every Artist must have in their inbox”. 

All the artworks in this article are taken from:

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