Anine Estrup Poulsen

About the Artist
Anine Estrup is a young artist born in Copenhagen in 1999. Her art is characterized by a personal expression that is both recognizable and different. The female figure is often the focal point of her paintings, and with her art, she show some of the emotions and moods that can accompany being a woman in different everyday situations. Anine often works with snapshots from everyday situations, but the motifs often have a twist of something dysfunctional, surreal and confusing, that makes you want to look again.
About Artist’s Work:
Enjoy the process and the redemption it provides to express a feeling or thought I have had, through my paintings. Whether it’s sadness, boredom or empowerment – it’s all an energy that comes from me and is painted on the canvas. Whether the recipient feels the same is secondary – in the end, my art means what it means to the one who looks at it.

What does “Home” mean to you:
For me, a home is a place where I feel safe, where I can do what I want and express myself in exactly the way I want. A bathroom, whether it is with yourself or in someone else’s home, is one of the places where you have the most privacy and I think is often has very special atmosphere. This is where you can get a respite for yourself for two minutes almost no matter where you are. I know my submitted photos do not immediately express coziness like you might think the ideal ‘home’ should do, but for me the intimacy you have with yourself in a bathroom is something very special that I think and hope most people can relate to.
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