Laurey Bennett-Levy

About the Artist
Laurey Bennett-Levy earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts at S.U.N.Y Albany where she studied painting. Recently she has exhibited in Saatchi’s “TOAF” and “Superfine” and has shown in a vast number of group juried shows as a featured artist. Active in both the LA and NY artist community she also focuses on community building. Her travels influence her practice as she aggregates repetitive grids in nature and urban landscapes as catalysts for her content. Current event tensions and life struggles have also impacted her work. In addition to painting, Laurey is an advocate supporting public schools and has directed curriculum based school-wide art shows and in-class education for the underserved. She has been selected into fellowships by Arts4LA and The LA County Arts Education Collective in the pursuit of quality and equality arts education and is currently nurturing students who aspire to take a career in visual arts.
About Artist’s Work:
We all carry polarizing emotions of deep grief and rapture. With this series, I deconstruct my personal moments of divergent emotions, to either repair or relive these dichotomous experiences, with the hope that you too, can recall yours. A “MITER” is a union formed between two edges that meet at an intersection. This notion resonates for me literally and figuratively as I look back at my life’s progression. To execute, I rely on assemblages of lattice work and collect those impressions of repetitive geometric beauty underfoot. Eventually they take on organic form as I constantly reduce and redefine ordinary markers of existence, provoking one to rediscover the unnoticed splendor of what is unobserved. This series merges my competence as a graphic designer and fine artist using a combined process of photography, cyanotype, digital manipulation, painting and collage.
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