About the Artist
How do you interpret ‘Ready to wear’ in your work?
The concept of “Ready to Wear” is translated in my work through the use of intricate garments and fabrics. I work with delicate pieces of lingerie which explores the often-overlooked details of these beautiful garments. My coloured pencil drawings often evoke a sense of nostalgia when viewed by my audience ,and I often hear “I think i have that bra or that scarf” which creates fun conversations about our favourite brands. I typically position each garment in a way so that it looks like it is hanging or laying down, ready to be worn. In contrast I to how we store and organize our garments, placing them in closets, or in drawers, my drawings bring each into the world to be on display as a piece of art, reimagining and displaying a mundane item as something to be admired.
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