Open Call for Children's Art Book

Theme: Open

Parents and guardians, The Big Book of Tiny Creatives is now accepting art submissions from young artists aged 2 to 18. This global hardcover book will feature the artworks of children from all around the world. It is open to everyone, regardless of location. The book will be available to a worldwide audience through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, making it a keepsake to cherish forever.

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Open Call for Children's Art Book

Theme: Open

Parents and guardians, The Big Book of Tiny Creatives is now accepting art submissions from young artists aged 2 to 18. This global hardcover book will feature the artworks of children from all around the world. It is open to everyone, regardless of location. The book will be available to a worldwide audience through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, making it a keepsake to cherish forever.

00DAYS: 00HOURS: 00MINS: 00SECS Expired

How to Turn Artificial Intelligence into a Creative Ally| Hanna Inaiáh/

Watch & Listen to this podcast Episode.

This week on the Arts to Hearts Podcast, we’re chatting with Hanna Inaiáh, a Brazilian digital artist and surface designer making waves using artificial intelligence (AI) in her creative work. If you’ve ever wondered how AI can be a part of art and design, you’ll love this episode!

Hanna creates beautiful home goods, clothing, packaging, and fabrics designs. She’s worked with big names like Farm Rio, Sig Bergamin, Reserva, and Premiere Vision. In our conversation, she opens up about how experimenting with AI has helped her bring her ideas to life in a whole new way. It’s allowed her to create realistic visuals, spark her creativity, and even attract more clients.

Of course, the topic of AI in art is a hot one, and not everyone agrees with Hanna’s approach. But she believes AI is just another tool to help artists grow and push boundaries—not something to be afraid of. By embracing it, Hanna has taken her work to the next level, and now, she’s even thinking about creating a course to help other artists do the same.

If you’re curious about how AI can fit into your creative journey or just want to hear Hanna’s inspiring story, don’t miss this episode!

Timestamp Summary
00:00.00Introduction and welcoming Hannah to the podcast
00:14.17Hannah introduces herself as a fashion and surface designer
02:23.15Hannah talks about her experience selling her own products
03:01.91Hannah discusses her journey on Instagram and gaining clients
05:11.42Hannah’s followers ask for her opinion on artificial intelligence
06:25.60Hannah starts experimenting with artificial intelligence
08:10.30Hannah shares a funny story about accidentally paying for a year
09:08.36Hannah talks about the evolution of her work with AI
09:54.65Hannah explains how she learned about AI through YouTube videos
10:29.74Improvement in quality using AI
11:26.19Collaborating with other designers
12:42.66AI as a tool for creativity
13:58.77Initial fears and concerns about AI
15:29.24AI as a memory and information tool
16:35.29Empowering art through AI
18:34.68Using AI to explore and turn ideas into reality
19:52.76Communication and self-expression with AI
20:10.10Embracing technology in the art business
20:58.43Facing criticism on Instagram
23:15.42Embracing change with the internet
24:27.14Tips for using AI in art
26:50.26Creating unique designs with AI
28:00.90Providing detailed instructions for AI prompts
29:25.79The creative process and challenges
29:12.32Charukaarora gets something
29:18.69Charukaarora adds something
29:23.93Charukaarora confirms something
29:25.79Hanna Inaiah talks about learning and going back to projects
29:29.44Charukaarora asks about taking time to collect information
29:40.60Charukaarora continues the conversation
29:44.37Hanna Inaiah talks about finding interesting things in art
29:49.41Charukaarora asks about using AI for surface patterns
30:00.91Hanna Inaiah talks about using realistic mockups for her designs
30:15.16Charukaarora acknowledges the impact of good pictures on attracting customers
30:35.21Charukaarora talks about the importance of people being able to imagine using a product
31:21.76Charukaarora mentions the need for people to see how they want to use a product
31:31.78Charukaarora talks about marketing and selling products
31:39.74Hanna Inaiah agrees and talks about people needing to have a desire for something
33:01.27Charukaarora mentions the challenge of finding time to experiment
33:19.39Hanna Inaiah talks about being busy with client work
33:29.97Charukaarora suggests it’s a good problem to have
33:49.57Hanna Inaiah talks about wanting to teach others how to use AI in their work
34:08.24Charukaarora praises Hanna’s work
34:22.38Charukaarora talks about loving Hanna’s embroidery brushes
35:01.54Charukaarora compliments the blend of animals, flowers, and colors in Hanna’s work
36:11.88Hanna Inaiah talks about where to find her and her products
37:00.37Hanna Inaiah says goodbye


**** – (): 00:00.00

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Hello everyone welcome back to the arts too hearts podcast and today I have someone joining straight from Brazil with us welcome to the podcast Hannah how are you.

**** – (): 00:09.17

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Hi I’m fine I’m good. Thank you for having me here. Very excited to talk to you.

**** – (): 00:14.17

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Thank you so much for being here. Okay, and before we move forward. Why don’t you introduce yourself or everybody who’s listening right now who you are what you do where you based just let us know.

**** – (): 00:27.15

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I I’m Hanna and iya I’m a sortf a fashion and a surface designer and an artist and digital artist and right now I’ve been working with artificial intelligence and I’m based in Brazil Hugh janeiro.

**** – (): 00:34.58

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 00:42.40

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yes, ok yeah, yeah, yeah, amazing you a more that’s important. Um Hannah um, like you said.

**** – (): 00:46.23

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): So be more a specific and yeah I’m a mom. Yeah yeah.

**** – (): 00:59.21

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, ah, you’re a digital artist but you’ve also been recently working with Ai and I think that really interested me in the sense of um, a lot of Emmetri that you’ve posted and it’s been quite interesting to see the work that you’ve been creating with with the existence of. Ai and how you’ve been playing around with it and there’s a lot of perspectives for artists. Um, and you know very different viewpoints on what and how ei is um I wanted to ask you? Um, how have you ah approached ai. And how has it involved in your own practice and what you’re doing with it.

**** – (): 01:42.54

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Well when I first went came to Instagram it was during the pandemic before I was um, like yes.

**** – (): 01:46.71

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh my goodness you have 1 one Twenty Nine k followers so that is how long how long you’ve been on Instagram 4 years and so you’ve grown tremendously. That’s amazing.

**** – (): 01:56.90

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): 4 years now yeah for business I was here before? Yeah yeah, that’s that’s crazy for me I still have to to sometimes I’m I’m like living a dream or something an alternative reality. But.

**** – (): 02:06.46

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 02:16.48

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Had my my own um product brand I am I designed bags versus and swing swing swim swing Swimwear you say like for.

**** – (): 02:23.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 02:31.80

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, swim suits. Okay.

**** – (): 02:34.42

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Ah, tune suit swim suits yes and swimsuits with my own designs because I’m a surface designer So I do this surface design and I do my products. Thank you and this is from fami you This is not mine. This is from family.

**** – (): 02:39.91

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah I Love what you’re wearing.

**** – (): 02:49.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, okay.

**** – (): 02:52.89

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And and so I had I I sold my I used to go to this ah events to sell my um to sell my my products but during Pandemic we didn’t have this anymore so we had to stay home.

**** – (): 03:01.91

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay. Am right? right? yeah.

**** – (): 03:12.55

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I could not sell my apartment and I could not work anymore before that I was a year I stop it for a year because when my my kid was born in 2019 and when I went back to working it was pandemic so I had all these designs.

**** – (): 03:23.98

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, okay. Okay, okay.

**** – (): 03:32.17

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I thought about selling them and for other brands so I went to Instagram and I started to show my work and to talk about it and I wanted to help other people to to to people that wanted.

**** – (): 03:44.48

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 03:48.90

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): To work with surface design but didn’t know how because when I began it was very hard to and to get into the market. So I started talking about the surface designing textiles and all fashion design and what I do. What is my work.

**** – (): 03:55.21

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, okay.

**** – (): 04:07.38

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And posting my work and then I started having clients 1 client 2 clients 3 and then I had a lot of clients and I was working a lot and from many many very nice brands from here from Brazil from here and from abroad.

**** – (): 04:24.40

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Present.

**** – (): 04:27.14

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): From other countries that was crazy for me that was oh my God This is really a very nice place that we can show our work and I was this I was I had this growing community in. In this in in my area in surface designing and when artificial intelligence ah started to appear for us I was not in it I wasn’t looking for it I had a lot of work So but some of my followers they started asking me a position that.

**** – (): 04:46.55

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, okay.

**** – (): 04:53.83

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah, okay yeah.

**** – (): 05:02.20

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 05:05.44

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): My opinion they wanted to know Hanna what do you think about artificial intelligence because a lot of artists that are free that this will this will ah still are our our jobs. You know we won’t have jobs anymore.

**** – (): 05:11.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah, yeah.

**** – (): 05:19.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, there’s a lot of controversy around that right.

**** – (): 05:24.52

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes, and I was not thinking about that because I was working a lot so I was not curious or thinking about it and but I’ve started seeing some works in in fashion.

**** – (): 05:28.86

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You were busy in your own world.

**** – (): 05:40.11

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I saw a work that was from this brand like a sita de Wendy I think they’re Spanish and they made all these images amazing images from this codes these designs and they made it to reality so they started something they made these designs with artificial intelligence and then.

**** – (): 05:45.30

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 05:52.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 05:59.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Night Yeah night night night just like yours.

**** – (): 05:59.47

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): They brought it to life to the real world. They made it and I thought oh my god this is something this is amazing and the image is very beautiful and so I thank you and I and I really that really made me interested. In understanding and more about it. So I could even talk about it because if I don’t know it if I don’t if I had not tried I cannot talk about it and then and that’s when I started. It’s been like ten months it was on almost.

**** – (): 06:25.60

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How yeah right. Okay.

**** – (): 06:37.50

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Almost a year now that I started with my journey and then at the first it was very frustrating because I was not getting those amazing images I was like oh my God This is not working I don’t think this is for me. It is not very is not easy as some people say.

**** – (): 06:39.30

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 06:48.61

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? right? Oh yes, Absolutely not.

**** – (): 06:55.43

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): That you just put someone that you just put some words and then you had an amazing. You have an amazing image. No It is way much more complex than that and complicated and you have really to to understand and to put the right words and I always say that you. The work you do with artificial intelligence depends on what your your your baggage your legage your what you have of your references all the things you have all the time you’re working with in your area if you were a designer or if you are a photographer you have your own references.

**** – (): 07:19.98

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Have.

**** – (): 07:33.46

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And that’s what you have to put into the artificial intelligence and that’s what yeah you results that influence and in in your results. The the results you will have so then I but I kept doing it and I wanted a really bad.

**** – (): 07:41.80

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? right.

**** – (): 07:50.10

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You write.

**** – (): 07:51.14

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): To make those beautiful labels and then it started to I started to get some nice things I Yeah only only my journey and no no I Only use my journey. Ah.

**** – (): 07:59.33

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, and this is all through my journey so far only my journey nothing else like.

**** – (): 08:10.30

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Have a funny story because when I started with my journey and I had to pay for the the pet The the yes I did not know very well what I was doing and I was I didn’t understand really they they they they do some tricks that you can pay more.

**** – (): 08:17.30

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Subscription? yeah.

**** – (): 08:29.61

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I was like okay I’ll pay this month for experiencing the the 2 but I don’t know why I paid for a year and I was like my god and I tried to they were found that I didn’t want for a year I just wanted one month but it wasn’t possible. They didn’t answer me.

**** – (): 08:36.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh wow.

**** – (): 08:43.77

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah.

**** – (): 08:49.35

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And now I had this year to play with me journey. So okay I have yes I not now make the most of it and it worked I think everything happens for a reason and they really got me the time I needed to.

**** – (): 08:50.71

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): So you saw you’ve already spent that money now you make the most of it.

**** – (): 08:58.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, yeah, reason I And that’s true, right? Yeah right? What was your first like huddles in the beginning.

**** – (): 09:08.36

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): To to get the results I did and and and and this.

**** – (): 09:17.11

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Because now the way your work looks um I think it’s I It has this kind of really it really does not look like like you know, like you said those images really look like very close to real and they’re also very beautifully made. Um I will also dig in for some of your older works. But um, how did you? How long did you take to evolve at this level that you you’re doing now and what what has been your own experience in the beginning to now what changed for you that you were able to.

**** – (): 09:50.59

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Well now I figured out a lot of things in the two I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t go to a course or nothing I just saw some short videos at the Youtube to to understand a little bit more when I want to do something that I don’t.

**** – (): 09:54.65

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 10:04.70

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, videos. Okay.

**** – (): 10:10.56

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I I can’t get the result I want I go on the internet Google it and how do I get this or how do I get that it was very me experimenting myself the the 2 and should they every day I have um I learned something new.

**** – (): 10:13.70

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? right. Right.

**** – (): 10:29.74

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And the 2 midjoney is always getting better. They are always getting better from the day I big I from the the when I began to today. It’s much better. The quality of the images it got very much better and I used the same prompts that I did at first.

**** – (): 10:29.77

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, new. Yeah.

**** – (): 10:48.79

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): But now I get even better results with those and I have I made this um that I think that that is something very very nice that you can put the the your personality the personality of your work.

**** – (): 10:50.50

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right.

**** – (): 11:06.66

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right.

**** – (): 11:08.27

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Into the images and I work with surface design and I work with textiles and what I wanted with this too was to experiment in that in that way like supplement the textiles I could make the designs I could make to fire.

**** – (): 11:11.26

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right.

**** – (): 11:17.99

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Area only right right night right? right? I.

**** – (): 11:26.19

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Other designers to inspire my work. Yeah to make it to the to take it to to to another level I say because we went because I I did I do I’m a a small a small owner a business owner I’m I’m i’ small.

**** – (): 11:35.84

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? Go ahead, Go ahead.

**** – (): 11:42.40

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, right right.

**** – (): 11:45.19

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Know this big brand So I don’t have the money to make those real things because people question me a lot when are you going to do this codes and when are you going to do this or that and I say well run a big brand finds out that I’m working with it and see my thing. Maybe we can do it together because because alone I cannot.

**** – (): 11:58.50

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Are you can you right? right? right.

**** – (): 12:04.94

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I’m thinking about when I so when I started in fashion when I was when I got my degree like fifteen years ago to have that too and to use it to show how I I could design something this was this is ah this is crazy. This is when you have now.

**** – (): 12:09.61

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, okay.

**** – (): 12:19.74

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, right.

**** – (): 12:24.34

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Ah, the students. Even the students have this opportunity to show close to reality how they could help the the ideas that we have because I believe all of us are creative in some level man humans are creative but sometimes with the.

**** – (): 12:28.30

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, to do that? Yes, yeah.

**** – (): 12:36.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Absolutely Or yeah.

**** – (): 12:42.66

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): The the running of the days and you have to work and have to make money and this is the world we live in. We don’t have time and ah to create and we don’t have time sometimes to make the money We don’t have the money to create something So so marvelous like that So big. So so so rich like that. So.

**** – (): 13:00.93

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, yeah.

**** – (): 13:02.66

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Now we have the chance to show our ideas our creativity and this is very very amazing for me.

**** – (): 13:11.51

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): What were your initial fears when you thought about Ai ah if you had any anything you know? if yeah, you don’t have you had no doubts like you know there are a lot of people who my god my art will be.

**** – (): 13:16.20

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Um, fears my fearest I don’t have fears no know and.

**** – (): 13:29.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Stolen somebody says oh it’s um, it’s not ah um, I’m not doing it by hand. It’s not mine. It’s not this that or just complicated though you are a digital designer. So I’m sure you’re a little bit better adapt to you know things like that.

**** – (): 13:42.49

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 13:47.72

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): But um, it just just being that how to operate just a new software mid journey and like how to figure this out.

**** – (): 13:58.77

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): That’s for me already the the copies from ah other artists works already happen without art artificial intelligence. So all the time we see big brands or even and who.

**** – (): 14:04.86

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, right? That’s true.

**** – (): 14:13.11

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Who makes the arts for these brands I always talk about that because when you talk about big brands. We we forget that are people there that work there who who make those designs who made those designs. It’s not the the brand. It’s the designers that work for them and for us it’s a very.

**** – (): 14:13.77

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. Right.

**** – (): 14:27.13

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Brands The people. Yeah. Like.

**** – (): 14:32.56

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Think it’s very complicated because sometimes we are hired to copy others and we have to work. So if you say no I won’t copy and then okay then you won’t work here. So sometimes it’s fairly very complicated because small brands want to.

**** – (): 14:36.46

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 14:46.81

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah, yeah, not as he is that.

**** – (): 14:51.40

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Ah, the the big brands and designers do that all the time and artificial intelligence for me is this brain like ours that have all these memories because ah, how they how they built artificial intelligence memories or.

**** – (): 14:53.99

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): A.

**** – (): 15:09.33

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): How it gets their information. It’s like a big memory and you can use it. You can use it for the right reasons you can’t be adequate using artificial intelligence and you can use it for the bad reasons like we already do with with photoshop with other tus.

**** – (): 15:11.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right. Right.

**** – (): 15:25.20

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, and right? um.

**** – (): 15:29.24

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): So the problem is not artificial intelligence. The problem is the humans that use artificial intelligence. That’s why I don’t and for me, it took my work to another level I used it and after I used it I had a lot of clients new clients.

**** – (): 15:37.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, and me. Her.

**** – (): 15:48.23

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): That wanted to work with this new 2 and so for me my business only grew. So as it happened as it happened for me.

**** – (): 15:53.20

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah,, that’s true I think it’s also because you found a way for it to really empower your art like you know if you’re making these patterns now the images that you’ve recently shed like the has I Love the one that has freeda in it and is it’s. It’ hugging a crocodile. It only showed how creative you are not only like you know you’re just not plainly adding um, something onto something. There is even there’s so much thought and creativity that one can see how. How cinematic those images feel the details that you’ve added and I truly wish if somebody makes those clothes that you’ve um that you’ve projected via Ai I mean they would look tremendously. Um, Amazing. You know what’s like once you’re saying this. It’s not only the brands I won.

**** – (): 16:35.29

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 16:48.38

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): An artist I know from India um, he started creating and he’s really doing amazingly well since then he started creating these ai art and they were inspired from India and um, he started creating these visions of um of sculptures. And they started blowing up on the internet and when it did he had these a couple of ideas pulled together and when he saw that you know he was just trying to experiment with Ai looking at sculptures evolving his own existing work. And when he did when he did that and he shed a lot of the images on the internet. It started to blow up and they were very interesting when he saw that that work was getting a lot of response. He actually reached out to a gallery pitched the work and actually created the work in real life now I see a lot of artists doing that. Where they use Ai as a tool to play um with their ideas to create something. It’s like also testing your ideas without putting in a lot of money and you know also knowing okay, this is something now challenges the audience and me and he did this like huge I don’t know really tall I don’t know. Um.

**** – (): 17:51.83

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 18:01.71

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Probably ten twelve feet big glass sculpture and it was it. It looked fantastic and that wasn’t something he could have just created like you know, not everybody has resources and men. We do sometimes like I think it’s an interesting process. How artists in.

**** – (): 18:04.29

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Night that I made.

**** – (): 18:19.83

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Creative people are using Ai as a way to explore their ideas and then turn them into reality as well. It’s like I don’t know not literally, but you know when we draw ideas in rough and sketchbooks and then we convert them into bigger paintings and products. It’s like taking that to another level.

**** – (): 18:34.68

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes, yes, that’s that’s how I think to? that’s when you when you when you can really, It’s not.. It’s not it. It doesn’t make the the time you spend with creating shorter because sometimes people say that you spend less. Time doing that then you would do drawing it. It’s not because of that it’s because when you use this too. You can see it more realistically like oh this is really how it would work how it would feel how it would be how it would look so now that I see I can make it.

**** – (): 19:09.33

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, right.

**** – (): 19:12.66

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And it’s very realistic form of seeing this your your final work. You know this experience and it’s.

**** – (): 19:18.98

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, and I think it I think it’s also not only communication with ah but with one’s own self sometimes like as artist I think we have this innate. We like to work in the curiosity and ideas and um, not always needs something in reality. But I think the biggest barrier for artists have also been like if I have an idea and if I’m not good enough to communicate that to you or attract an audience or a project now with Ai what I have in my mind can come on to screen and I can pitch it to other people so that they don’t have to get into my hand ahead.

**** – (): 19:52.76

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 19:55.80

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): They don’t have to just do it because they trust me, it’s also I have something solid to tell them. Okay, this is what I’m thinking this is what we can make this is because at the end of the day when you’re working with someone. It’s a business. There’s a lot of there’s a lot of lot of things that are involved in that process.

**** – (): 20:10.10

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 20:11.64

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And it does make sense when artists are able to do that and um, create advocate for themselves much more strongly what interests you the more sorry yes, go ahead, Go ahead.

**** – (): 20:21.30

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes, yes, and that and and we cannot run from it because it ah we cannot run from it. You cannot run from it. You know it’s like this is here now like internet like you know all this happening and it’s.

**** – (): 20:34.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yes, it’s not going Anyway, yeah you.

**** – (): 20:38.15

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): It’s not going to to step back. So it’s if we can embrace and use it and also I think that ah the clients or the the market that want ah painting or that want something like handmade this too. Have market for that because it’s different It’s not the same thing so it it and I sometimes I got some hate in ah in ah in an Instagram because of my art and and yes.

**** – (): 20:58.43

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah, a.

**** – (): 21:04.54

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): He have of course there is no Instagram without some love and it both.

**** – (): 21:12.45

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And another days someone would say you know why don’t you hire some photographers and why don’t you hire the the people to make those those those codes and I said well if we make those codes we still have to hire the people to make those. Those codes because right now they are only ah Image. So This image is not sea the work from the workers. But the people that will that will make those those those codes and now we will now we we we are even making more.

**** – (): 21:29.56

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): That’s clear. But.

**** – (): 21:34.30

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, that’s true I Think that’s a great point.

**** – (): 21:47.27

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Work for people you know more more we can employ more more people because now they can really see the brands can really see what I can do and so they can hire me as a designer, a digital designer and we can hire these people to make all that come to to Realward You know we will will have to make those pieces we will need.

**** – (): 21:53.38

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Me can do.

**** – (): 22:01.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, yeah.

**** – (): 22:06.81

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Ah, photographer because they you cannot put some some when you put some something real into the mid journeyurning into the artificialery languages it totally makes it it. It doesn’t it doesn’t steal the same image. It always makes into something else. So we cannot.

**** – (): 22:10.83

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah, yeah.

**** – (): 22:23.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? yes.

**** – (): 22:26.35

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Work with something were you into the Artificialer attachant so we would have to make those pieces and then we would have to photograph of ah we would need a photographer makeup artist everything all these people to make that real come to reality come to life So we.

**** – (): 22:38.92

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, and amazing.

**** – (): 22:45.00

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): It’s not a stilling nobody’s work So that’s how I don’t know that sometimes people don’t really get to to please before they say something you know.

**** – (): 22:49.16

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): No I think you have a very very good point here. Yeah yeah I Think when something new and challenging is coming. It moves the system changes the system. There’s always acceptance and there’s always questions and which is great I Think. Ah, there should always be peopleing people questioning things so that we can always you know be more cautious more aware. Um more careful on how we’re doing and create a better ecosystem for everybody but also there’s no change is easy. No for nobody. It does even when the internet came.

**** – (): 23:15.42

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 23:25.57

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, there are so many people with online buying online selling now today. It’s become a second language and it’s not that people are not doing it offline but there’s another way for us to do something. It’s helped a lot of people So I’m sure there is something something better for all of us out there tell me something.

**** – (): 23:36.94

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 23:45.38

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, for anyone who’s interested in getting into Ai art. Um either ways like you know to brainstorm ideas um to make more let’s say pitches like you like you know shoots and stuff or just experimenting. I think a lot of artists have seen they try and they they’re unfortunately not able to get to a point where they feel like yeah, it’s really good and they quit um, can you give us some tips for someone on how artists can use the eye in the process and how they can a few from your own experience where you feel like. You know they can improve their work.

**** – (): 24:27.14

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Well when I started doing this ah along with only this ideas I had and I didn’t know how to work with it very well and I was putting some very basic words into it. And it was very basic work and images so it was most like a lot of image that we see around there and when I started to go into my books I have a lot of fashion books and illustration and arts and ornaments I Love I Love ah arts.

**** – (): 24:55.18

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, and f.

**** – (): 24:57.86

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah.

**** – (): 25:01.29

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Ornaments and the story of the surface design is something that I study a lot and I went into this books and I tried to find those the right words you know like art movements and to when I when I when I put that I want this.

**** – (): 25:10.46

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 25:18.99

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Motto to be wearing something I always say the colors I want I say everything that I want in this I always work with my my images have a lot of Puffer coats because I think when more textile I put in the image.

**** – (): 25:34.88

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 25:38.20

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): More You can see what I want to show that is the design in it and you can see my images have the design Everything It’s the the walls clothing.

**** – (): 25:44.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): But are those design like wire the ai or are those designed somewhere like with the patterns that you’ve created how does that work.

**** – (): 25:53.90

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Already tried patternrons I created also that I can I I pick a design of mine and I put into the mid journey but it won’t still the same to it. It’s it makes it. It mix it with something else and makes it and it’s nice to use our designs.

**** – (): 26:07.60

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah I’ll twist it? Yeah yeah.

**** – (): 26:13.76

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): For like colors you know so it picks the colors of our images and or if you are an illustrator and you like like to you to to draw figures because I mostly draw design as ah, ah repeated patrons.

**** – (): 26:14.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right? 9

**** – (): 26:23.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Who might.

**** – (): 26:30.76

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): So if you want to use an element or if you like to draw figures. You can put your drawing into the mid journey and you can ask me journey to draw in your style to create in yours time that is possible so you will create a lot of things different things like I want this.

**** – (): 26:36.18

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): The oh okay. Wow.

**** – (): 26:50.26

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Don’t know something you pick something in in the style of the the image that you put into and it and it and it works it does So that’s a lot of that a lot of tips that we can. We can use you you now you can You can.

**** – (): 26:50.59

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 26:56.11

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): No.

**** – (): 27:03.81

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 27:08.39

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Put your picture in it and you can ask the midjo to make those those images with your face with my face I didn’t do that yet I did that with Frida Callo and yes that was very like first lets first time and I I tried something like that.

**** – (): 27:14.81

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, oh Adam I that looked fantastic it like and is great. Yeah.

**** – (): 27:27.61

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Was amazing and you can use the the words ah you can use the your work and the words that are involved in your work for me is fashion. So I always asked for the the.

**** – (): 27:34.63

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay. Okay.

**** – (): 27:43.95

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): The the type of clothing I want all the details that I want the sleeves the everything so much as more ah you more more detail you give to me journey.

**** – (): 27:58.69

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): No.

**** – (): 28:00.90

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): More you have the right results that you want you can be not so generic like to meant to 2 You know, like um.

**** – (): 28:07.54

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How detail is ah how you have what you suggest how detail should an prompt look like to create an outcome of a good quality ah Attens like like you know you also have you have these image.

**** – (): 28:15.90

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Always put the colors I want ah the the the patterns. Yes, if I wanted this.

**** – (): 28:25.44

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): With 3 d objects coming out. How do you go that far.

**** – (): 28:30.32

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I Always say what? ah elements I want like I want ah this alligator Hogan a kid and the kid is wearing this is this this coat with Daisies or this coat of flowers or this gold with and they are in this lavender feud. Or they are in this Lily field or something like that I Always everything is I imagine everything the clothing the the the people and the the place they are yes and it’s very I really need to get.

**** – (): 28:54.52

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, Wow So you’re already creating something in your mind. Also.

**** – (): 29:06.76

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): The image that I thought first so sometimes it takes like weeks and I a but sometimes I cannot get the result I want and I just go to something else and then I go back to that so because they’re they’re they images that I I I want to make that.

**** – (): 29:12.32

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, got.

**** – (): 29:18.69

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, added.

**** – (): 29:23.93

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, yeah.

**** – (): 29:25.79

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Maybe that time I don’t have already the the information necessary or you know I don’t know enough to to get that. But as the 2 gets better and as I learn more sometimes I go back to that project that I had and oh now I can do that I wanted.

**** – (): 29:29.44

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And you take time to collect it.

**** – (): 29:40.60

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And then.

**** – (): 29:44.37

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I I can really get to the the result I want So sometimes it takes long takes a lot of time and sometimes you are doing something trying to get to something and you get to something else. It’s like painting. It’s like a.

**** – (): 29:49.41

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Wow.

**** – (): 29:56.38

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And then you find something? Yeah, yeah, right? you find it interesting. Yeah and what about what about? um.

**** – (): 30:00.91

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Any art that you’re doing that sometimes some some mistake makes it. You know you love the mistake and it’s interesting. Yes, it happens too.

**** – (): 30:12.41

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How ah do you have any ideas for I see that you’ve made moreups. Do you also make more cups via Ai for your own surface patents.

**** – (): 30:15.16

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes, yes I didn’t really work with with that applied I didn’t apply that to my work but I know that is something that we can explore and that’s amazing because. When I started on Instagram I did not have ever worked with a brand and I so I didn’t have good pictures of my designs I had the pictures of my products but very bad pictures because I’m not a photographer so I don’t have the right lights and I don’t have and.

**** – (): 30:35.21

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 30:40.68

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, right, right? right.

**** – (): 30:50.34

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): So it did It wasn’t like something catching people would look like okay that’s that’s good, but that’s an amazing and I started to buy my moups from from Creative market.

**** – (): 30:57.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 31:04.90

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, yeah.

**** – (): 31:05.49

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): These realistic this realistic mockups and that’s when people started looking at my work and saying whoa because they thought that was really a product that was really something that existed so they they could in it. They could see.

**** – (): 31:10.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, product. Yeah yeah.

**** – (): 31:21.66

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): How my design would really look in real life. So that’s when I started growing and I started being able to sell my designs because before that when when we post only the repeated design like this the drawing it does not work because.

**** – (): 31:21.76

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Would look like yeah.

**** – (): 31:31.78

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, yeah, it does not work people want to imagine they need to have a desire to want something something they can look at find a um, another great tape is like you know.

**** – (): 31:39.74

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): They they cannot see how they want to? yes Yes, exactly.

**** – (): 31:49.81

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, even in marketing you have to sell people where they can picture themselves using something like a lot of times the images of using something works the best because it connects people. Okay I want to have I want to feel the luxury of having a cup like that and drinking it in the morning.

**** – (): 31:56.59

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Um, yeah.

**** – (): 32:05.61

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes, it’s like using that design they will leave that life and then we will experience that that that picture and that reality yes that that’s how our brain works and.

**** – (): 32:07.77

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Rather than posting just a picture of a cup.

**** – (): 32:20.13

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, amazing.

**** – (): 32:23.38

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Then and so I had to buy the moups and now that I had me journey I could like make it my own my own moups that nobody no one I already did for test on me Journey I do I do but I don’t I see I didn’t use them yet.

**** – (): 32:25.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, so you make your own more mockups as well. On May Journey Now. Oh. Okay, try? yeah.

**** – (): 32:41.46

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): To post or anything just to try the designs because it’s sense I I grew from the using artificial intelligence in in Instagram my life got like crazy because a lot of work a lot of work and a lot of. You know interfering? Yeah that’s amazing. But sometimes I don’t have I don’t have time anymore to to experiment to experiment something or to make something only for me, you know I always have this this works to this for my clients I always have a client that’s amazing. That’s great.

**** – (): 33:01.27

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): That’s a good problem to have time to play. Yeah, that’s true. Yeah.

**** – (): 33:19.39

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And not complaining.

**** – (): 33:19.44

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And ah, amazing. What are you working on right now something that you want to share with us anything new exciting anything that you want to share with us as a project that you want to.

**** – (): 33:29.97

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Well, right now I’m thinking about people have asking me a lot my followers to have this to to to teach them how to use me journey how to use that and I am not this great with with internet and with making videos and stuff like that. But I am learning.

**** – (): 33:37.12

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Absolutely I think it’ll be fantastic idea.

**** – (): 33:49.57

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I am studying that to to see how I can do that. So right now I am thinking about ah doing that doing that course to teach people to teach other artists and other designs how they can use artificial intelligence in their work.

**** – (): 33:50.44

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, you’re a great lana.

**** – (): 33:56.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And.

**** – (): 34:08.24

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And I tried to make short videoss I wanted to start with short videos on Instagram but for me, it’s very hard to those to make those videos and yes, yes, and but I want to stop I also sell brushes you know the brushes I created to draw.

**** – (): 34:12.55

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Ah, yeah, but no, it does take a lot of time and effort.

**** – (): 34:22.38

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yes, I’ve seen them. They’re fantastic.

**** – (): 34:27.64

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): And so I want to to maybe focus on the brushes. So I can have the time to make the cars for I Want to make that course. Yeah, but thank you.

**** – (): 34:35.37

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um I Love the embroidery brushes that you have they look so good. So good. So good.

**** – (): 34:44.13

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): I created them for myself and when I was using a lot of my followers started saying hey I want that where did you get that and I was like oh maybe I can sell it and it was if meant for yes yes and I want to make more I love to make brushes I love to draw and I love to create and I love to make.

**** – (): 34:55.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, and you can I think it’s fantastic. It’s so good.

**** – (): 35:01.54

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I Love this static your work because I also have like I love himroitries and I come from fashion. So it’s like it’s like your page and your work is like the best blend of what I mean you know there’s so many animals, flowers colors. Ands sit’s wonderful.

**** – (): 35:03.98

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Some.

**** – (): 35:15.59

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Um, that’s amazing. Yes, thank you! thanks.

**** – (): 35:21.35

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, thank you so much for your time Hannah I think this is such an incredible episode I think a lot of people can from this episode they can learn how you know how just your curiosity can read you to create so many exciting new things and um, as much as I agree there is.

**** – (): 35:35.86

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): A.

**** – (): 35:40.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Should be questioning but also if anything is new. There’s always that means there’s so much room for experimentation to play with something and see what it turns out to be you know before we really make our opinions and you know all of that and also sharing so much more beauty I think again. Um.

**** – (): 35:52.21

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 35:59.41

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): With the work that you’re making you’re also putting so much of a more beauty out there. So thank you so much. Thank you so much for doing the work that you do and keep doing the amazing work that you’re doing um one last question where can people follow you and find you and support your um.

**** – (): 36:11.88

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Where.

**** – (): 36:17.75

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You know how can this support you. How can they buy the brushes and you know anything else.

**** – (): 36:21.58

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Yes I have I have the brushes and my brushs are on gum road I have a gumro chop they can find out find me on Instagram Hanna in aya and there I have the link for my products and that’s I’m there I’m always there talking ah to the audience about.

**** – (): 36:26.57

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Um, okay, okay, yes, okay.

**** – (): 36:39.77

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Designs and about our work and how we how I do it and how we can make it better for us. Thank you so much and thank you so much and thank you for the work you’re doing is amazing.

**** – (): 36:41.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, amazing. Amazing! Thank you so much. Thank you Hannah! Thank you for being with us and I really appreciate your time. Thank you, thank you so much.

**** – (): 37:00.37

**** – (): Hanna Inaiah

**** – (): Bye.

**** – (): 37:00.66

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Once you’ll have to wait.

About the Guest(s):

  • Hanna Inaiáh is a fashion and surface designer, digital artist, and artist based in Brazil.
  • She has been working with artificial intelligence to create unique and innovative designs.
  • Hanna has a strong background in surface design and has worked with various brands in Brazil and abroad.
  • She is also a mother and runs her own business, creating and selling her designs.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, host Charuka Arora interviews Hanna Inaiáh, a fashion and surface designer based in Brazil. Hanna shares her journey as a digital artist and how she has incorporated artificial intelligence into her work. She discusses the challenges and rewards of using AI in design and how it has helped her grow her business. Hanna also talks about the importance of embracing new technologies and how AI can be a powerful tool for artists and designers.

Key themes discussed in this episode include the impact of AI on the creative industry, the role of AI in surface design and fashion, and the potential for AI to enhance and expand artistic expression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for artists and designers, allowing them to explore new ideas and create unique designs.
  • AI can help artists communicate their vision more effectively and attract clients by providing realistic representations of their work.
  • The use of AI in design does not replace human creativity but rather enhances and expands artistic expression.
  • AI can be used to create realistic mockups and visualizations of designs, helping artists and designers showcase their work to clients and customers.
  • Embracing new technologies like AI can lead to new opportunities and growth in the creative industry.

Notable Quotes:

  • “The problem is not artificial intelligence. The problem is the humans that use artificial intelligence.” – Hanna Inaiáh
  • “Artificial intelligence is like a big memory that you can use to create and bring your ideas to life.” – Hanna Inaiáh
  • “Using AI allows me to see my designs more realistically and bring them to life in a way that I couldn’t before.” – Hanna Inaiáh

Charuka Arora is the founder of the Arts to Hearts Project and Host of the Arts to Hearts Podcast. She is also an acclaimed Indian artist known for her contemporary embellished paintings. Her unique blend of gouache, collage, embroidery, painting, and drawing explores the intersection of art, culture, heritage, and womanhood. Through her work, she tells stories of female strength and encapsulates them in pieces that can be treasured for generations.

 Arts to Hearts Project Gallery + Studio

Charuka’s work draws inspiration from Hindu mythology, recognizing women as vessels of Shakti, the cosmic energy. She beautifully portrays powerful goddesses like Durga Maa riding a tiger or lion, symbolizing their unlimited power to protect virtue and combat evil.

Through her art, Charuka invites us into the world of women, showcasing their beauty, strength, and resilience. Her creations not only exhibit exceptional talent but also serve as an inspiration and a symbol of hope for those challenging societal norms.

About Arts to Hearts Project Gallery + Studio

Arts to Hearts Podcast is a show delving into the lives and passions of renowned artists. From running creative businesses and studio art practices to cultivating a successful mindset, Charuka Arora engages in heartfelt conversations with her guests. Experience your personal happy hour with your favorite artists, right in your studio.

Through candid discussions, Charuka and her guests reveal the joys and challenges of a vibrant creative life, both within and beyond our studios. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted as you tune in.

Hanna Inaiáh

Hanna Inaiáh

Hanna Inaiáh is a Brazilian digital artist and surface designer with a focus on fashion and printmaking. Passionate about art and with an always attentive eye, she combines her creative impulse with the desire to innovate. She has been working in her studio since 2009 where she develops projects all over the world and more recently has been exploring artificial intelligence and the countless possibilities it offers. She has worked in partnership with Farm Rio, Reserva, Sig Bergamin, Salão Casa Moda, Premiere Vision, Revista Zupi, Texitura, among others.

Can AI Replace Creativity? Hanna Inaiáh Says It’s a Powerful Tool for Artists

There’s a lot of talk about AI in the arts—can it replace humans? Will it take over creative jobs like writing, illustration, or design? While everyone has their own opinion, one thing is clear: creativity is deeply human, and no tool can fully replace that spark. But tools like AI can enhance our creativity, not replace it.

This week, on the Arts to Hearts Podcast, we sat down with Brazilian digital artist and surface designer Hanna Inaiáh to explore how AI reshapes the creative process. Hanna believes AI can help artists do more, experiment more, and connect with their audiences in new ways. By incorporating AI into her work, she’s expanded her business and found fresh inspiration in her designs.

I believe all of us are creative on some level.

Hanna Inaiah -Arts to Hearts Podcast S04E50

For Hanna, using these tools was challenging initially, and she started by using very basic words. At the time, she only had ideas, but she wasn’t certain how to proceed. When she went into books and looked for the right words, things started to make more sense to her. She began to watch short videos on YouTube to understand what she wanted to do and how she could achieve it. With time and constant practice, she could get the hang of what she wanted to do. She got better at giving prompts, and slowly,, the image quality improved.

How AI can help artists

As artists, the biggest challenge is to try and bring life to something that exists in their imagination. Once an idea takes hold, you must visualize it and materialize it. But can you do it? Sometimes, you are immediately able to, and other times, it takes time and frustrated tears to get the results you want. Hanna cracked the code when she could use AI in a way that helped her bring her imagination to life in a way that saved both her time and resources. It was now more manageable for her to communicate her vision, which usually demands a lot of money. With the AI tools, she found it easier to pitch a certain idea to her clients, and the clients also found it easier as they had something solid to rely on instead of something abstract.

Images taken from Hanna’s Instagram

An advantage of using AI in design is the ability to experiment and iterate quickly. Hanna says AI has allowed her to see her designs more realistically and adjust accordingly. It gave her a visual representation of how her designs would look in real life, enabling her to refine and perfect her creations.

Is AI a tool or a replacement?

While there is often concern about AI replacing human creativity, Hanna emphasized that AI should be seen as a tool rather than a threat. She believes that AI can enhance an artist’s creativity and bring their ideas to life in ways that were previously unimaginable. It is not about replacing human creativity but rather augmenting it and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Hanna’s work with AI has attracted new clients and opened up opportunities for collaboration with other brands and designers. By showcasing her AI-generated designs, she has demonstrated her creative vision and attracted interest from potential partners. It is possible that just like AI has become a powerful tool for Hanna to communicate her ideas, it can also prove to be helpful for other artists like her.

Hanna has been approached by people who also want to learn how to merge AI and art, and right now she is contemplating creating a course for such artists and designers. In the meantime, check out Hanna’s stunning work on her Instagram and website!

To read up more about Arts to Hearts Podcast and its episodes, click here.

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