International Open Call for Women Artists

Theme: Perspective

We’re inviting emerging, mid-career, and professional women artists worldwide to submit their work for the nineth edition of our ‘Arts To Hearts Magazine’ and be featured in one of the leading art magazines for women artists available worldwide via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and to collectors, galleries, and art enthusiasts globally.

01DAYS: 09HOURS: 04MINS: 21SECS Expired

International Open Call for Women Artists

Theme: Perspective

We’re inviting emerging, mid-career, and professional women artists worldwide to submit their work for the nineth edition of our ‘Arts To Hearts Magazine’ and be featured in one of the leading art magazines for women artists available worldwide via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and to collectors, galleries, and art enthusiasts globally.

01DAYS: 09HOURS: 04MINS: 21SECS Expired

A Virtual Visit into Laura Jarvis’s Creative Space Where She Explores Playful Art

Laura Jarvis is a mixed-media artist from Manchester. Her Expressionist style is concerned with capturing the playfulness of childhood. Laura studied Art and Design at Manchester School of Art, where she received her Foundation Diploma. She is currently studying Fine Art at Manchester School of Art, where she will receive her BA (Hons). Laura continues to develop her art practice and hopes to exhibit her work in the future.

Laura Jarvis

This studio visit takes us into the colorful and playful world of Laura Jarvis, a mixed-media artist from Manchester. Laura’s work is about capturing childhood’s joy and boldness, and in this chat, she shares her creative process, daily routine, and some funny stories from the studio. She talks about working in a shared space with friends who inspire each other, share materials, and even go on snack runs together. Her studio is full of life, with canvases, sculptures, and a special resource table where leftover materials find new homes. And what does the studio smell like right now? Chinese food from a tasty food van nearby—proof that creativity and good company make for a great day at work!

1.    Laura, Can you describe your typical studio day and creative process?

I usually get to the studio about 10 am and begin by writing a to-do list. I like to have a long to-do list because it gives me options! I get bored working on the same thing all day, so I like switching it up. I find having a to-do list keeps me focused throughout the day and always leaves me feeling productive. I start each task by collecting the needed materials- rummaging through my box or asking my friends if I can borrow them. I then usually end up in conversation with my friends over something random. We part ways when we agree we both need to finish some work. I couldn’t recommend a communal working space more! It’s inspiring to be surrounded by other creatives. I remember to take breaks and go for my lunch. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re in the zone, but looking after yourself is important! At the end of the day, I reflect on what I have and haven’t finished in a more detailed, diary entry-style way. I step back and read over previous diary entries to remind myself of where I have come from and where I am.

2.   What is the primary inspiration behind your current body of work?    

I am inspired by playing and having fun. I like to use bright colors and bold shapes. I’m inspired by how unapologetic and fearless children can be. I want to be big, I want to be in your face, I want to be me!

3. What is your favorite memory or incident from your studio?

When three friends and I exhibited next to each other in the studio, we spent three days prepping the space by taking down all the work, pulling all the staples out, sanding down the walls, filling in the holes, and painting. We put the work back up again and realized it was wonky. We then made another 7 holes in the wall we’d just filled in before we got it right. It was so funny. We were so tired after all the work we couldn’t even be annoyed, we just laughed. It felt like such a long process, but we all helped each other and got it done.

4. Do you have any studio assistants, or do any visitors like pets or kids often accompany you?

I work in a communal studio space, so there is always somebody to talk to. If I’m feeling stuck, I often ask my friends for their opinions, and we can brainstorm together. It’s nice to have someone you can walk to Tesco with if you need a snack.

5. How would you describe a dream studio for yourself?

I’d need a big space because I’m really getting into more large-scale work now. I like to work both on the wall and the floor, so I have to be able to move around and be on my feet. I want levels for my studio space. Maybe I could hang works from a wire? Or a shelf I can put them on? Natural lighting is a must! In a dream world, I’d have floor-to-ceiling windows with studio lights to take photos of my work and light installations. I’m currently working on my art trolley and paintbrush collection. Hopefully, it’ll be worthy of my dream studio one day!

6. What does your studio smell of right now?

Honestly, Chinese food. My friends and I went to this amazing Chinese food van around the corner for lunch. It’s so cheap and yummy- I’m obsessed with it.

7. If you could set up your studio anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I’d love to go to Singapore or Seoul. I recently spoke with an artist I admire who resided in Seoul. She talked to me about her experience there and genuinely seemed so happy. She said she couldn’t recommend it more to anyone!

8. Can you discuss any ongoing projects or future plans you have for your work?  

I’m interested in working more collaboratively. I recently returned home to run a workshop in a community centre, where I spent much time as a child. It was lovely seeing so many familiar faces and giving back to my community. I hope to do more workshops here in the future.

9. How do you organize your space?

I have sketchbooks for my smaller works and an A1 folder for my bigger works. All of my canvases live on the floor of my studio, on the wall, or the table. It’s a bit difficult to fit them on the table anymore, though, as I also have all of my sculptural works there. It’s a bit of a mess at the moment!

10. What is your favorite corner in the studio?

We have a resource table in the corner of the studio. If you have been using something and are finished with it, but there is something left, you can leave it on the table for somebody else. This is such a great way to recycle materials. I recently made a sculpture from ‘scrap’ materials on this table. It looks great and cost me nothing!

Laura Jarvis’s studio feels like a lively and creative playground filled with energy, color, and collaboration. It’s a place where imagination runs free—bold shapes, bright canvases, and works-in-progress are scattered around. The scent of a recent lunch lingers in the air, adding to the cozy, real-life charm of a space where creativity and connection thrive.

Visit our website to explore other artists’ virtual studio spaces. To be featured on our website, remember to apply for this month’s call for art.

Read more about Laura Jarvis on her Instagram.

Arts to Hearts Project is a global media, publishing, and education company for
Artists & Creatives.
where an international audience will see your work of art patrons, collectors, gallerists, and fellow artists. Access exclusive publishing opportunities and over 1,000 resources to grow your career and connect with like-minded creatives worldwide. Click here to learn about our open calls.

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