International Open Call for Women Artists

Theme: Perspective

We’re inviting emerging, mid-career, and professional women artists worldwide to submit their work for the nineth edition of our ‘Arts To Hearts Magazine’ and be featured in one of the leading art magazines for women artists available worldwide via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and to collectors, galleries, and art enthusiasts globally.

10DAYS: 20HOURS: 52MINS: 28SECS Expired

International Open Call for Women Artists

Theme: Perspective

We’re inviting emerging, mid-career, and professional women artists worldwide to submit their work for the nineth edition of our ‘Arts To Hearts Magazine’ and be featured in one of the leading art magazines for women artists available worldwide via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and to collectors, galleries, and art enthusiasts globally.

10DAYS: 20HOURS: 52MINS: 28SECS Expired

5 Women Writers That Are Charming The World With Their Words

Have you ever read a book that is so beautiful that you don’t want it to get finished? Have you ever read a book so emotional that it made you cry? Have you ever read a book that was so motivational that it inspired you to achieve new things? Or a book whose words resonated with you in all possible ways? Or have you ever read a book that has changed your perception of life or situations?

If yes, then that’s the power of writers’ words. They write in such a way that leaves a forever mark on your life, and whenever you read the name of a book, be it anywhere, you will remember all the memories you had with that, and it might bring a smile to your face or a tear in your eyes.

And to honor the writers, we are featuring five women writers charming the world with their words in this week’s Arts to Hearts Feature Article.

So keep on reading to learn about them all.

Tess Guinery (@tessguinery)

Tess’s home and art studio are nestled in a diversely creative town in the Northern Rivers, Australia. She is a mother to three spirited daughters and married to the love of her life who works in the film industry as a traveling stuntman, this path has allowed Tess and her family to live in some fascinating places all around the world which has lent to her daily practice of noticing beauty in the commonplace. 

Within the paradigm of Tess’ expression, there is a strong sense of communion with dance and movement where it intersects and holds hands with so many other parts of work, acting almost like an electric undercurrent. We see dance as the framework that moves her art from a flat dimension into something with a body. Whether expressed through words, paint, or design, we can see dance is the anchor. 

Tess spent her post-dance career studying design at The Karl Von Busse of Design. Tess’ freelance design business was established upon graduation in 2013 and grew from strength to strength as she shared her work across multiple platforms. Opportunities appeared endless for the seven years she sowed into designing. Still, a niggling feeling that this was not her ‘forever’ calling prompted Tess to pause this course and unpack her longings with a renewed conviction to explore and release her inner artist.

This bold and audacious sabbatical spawned one of her most fabulous creations yet, The Apricot Memoirs. Something that started as an intuitive experiment in words, colors, and sound, fused to become the pages of her very first book. Although its contents came from Tess’ heart, The Apricot Memoirs’ manifestation as a print publication came from the generous hearts of those she continued to speak to and connect with. Her characteristically honest and astonishingly successful Kickstarter campaign enabled Tess to self-publish the first of 10 print runs to date. In under two years, Tess’ Apricot pages (printed on illustrious French paper) and her now-iconic rainbow art have blazed wildly across borders, social feeds, stores, and homes worldwide, leaving a trail of hope wherever they go. The books have since taken other flights when approached by international publishers Andrews Mcmeel Universal taking the pages even further around the globe, soon to be translated into a second language, Dutch. 

The treasures will strike those who tune into what Tess’ work has to say beneath every brushstroke and syllable. And there, amongst her outpourings, you will not only uncover Tess’ infinite inner universe but, most potently, your own.

Zara Bas (@zarabaspoetry)

Zara Bas is an Australian writer inspired to share her exploration of self-love on her social media platforms, affectionately named Good Things Are Waiting. Through her craft, she creates a space to feel, release and process. 

Motivated by her degree in psychology and journey towards greater self-esteem, Zara created the Things to Unlearn workbook series. In her workbooks, she muses upon limiting beliefs, offering an introspective journey to unpack inner wounds and relational challenges. Soon after the conception of her workbook series, Zara self-published her first works of prose and poetry in I Have to Tell You Something. This collection explores her learnings on relationships, break-ups, self-esteem, and life purpose. With a dedication to self-reflection and written expression, Zara continues to share her work, hoping to motivate others to get to know themselves in greater depth.

Celine Walde (@seekingthepurpose)

Celine Walde is a 20-year-old girl from Norway. She first discovered her love for poetry when she was fourteen years old and fell for the creative and unique way of writing. Since then, she has written in her original language every single day. She first started writing poems in English in February 2021.

Her two poetry and prose collections, “When Rain Falls” (2021) and “The Things We Keep Inside” (2022), are out now, and you can find the links to them by visiting her profile. The links are in her bio. 

Elodie Parthenay (@elodiewrites)

Elodie Parthenay is a Canadian poet and writer. A former magazine Editor-in-Chief, she studied creative writing at UCLA. She was nominated for the Allegra Johnson Prize for Fiction for her work on an upcoming fantasy novel.

A hopeless romantic and die-hard optimist, she writes poetry about love, loss, sisterhood, and self-love, as seen and experienced by a queer woman of color. 

In October 2021, Elodie Parthenay released her first poetry collection, and The Sun Always Knows Where to Find Me. It was written during the Covid-19 pandemic while suffering from long Covid.

She also contributed four poems to Woven with Brown Thread, an international poetry anthology celebrating Black voices, edited by celebrated modern poet Upile Chisala.

She currently lives with her daughter and their fluffy rescue cat, Flerken, in Montreal, where she practices mindfulness meditation and leads the Blooming Writing Workshops.

Nida Awadia (@nida_awadia)

Nida Awadia is a person who helps people embrace life’s challenges. She aims to rewire inner narratives through self-awareness and self-compassion. She helps people understand the purpose behind their pain and empowers them to trust their journey—the process of becoming. Nida practices meditation daily to find healing and wisdom. As a past student and current advocate for mental health and mindfulness, Nida teaches self-compassion. Her life’s work is to help people rise from critical thoughts to mitigate suffering. Nida shares her revelations and modalities on social media via her Instagram platform @nida_awadia. You can connect with her online and tune into daily insights and inspiration.

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