
How Artist Gérardo Labarca Proves It’s Never Too Late to Follow Your Creative Passion

Gérardo Labarca

Gérardo Labarca is a Montreal-based artist with an incredible story. At 47, he decided to leave a successful career in the restaurant industry and follow his passion for painting. In this interview, Gérardo talks about how he taught himself to create stunning portraits that capture the emotions and essence of his subjects. His journey is a beautiful example of how it’s never too late to chase your dreams and reinvent yourself.

Gérardo Labarca is a featured artist in our book “101 Art Book: Animal Edition .” You can explore his journey and the stories of other artists by purchasing the book here:

Gérardo Labarca, a name that may not immediately resonate in the art world, embodies an atypical and inspiring journey. Before becoming a full-fledged artist, he excelled in the vibrant restaurant sector in Montreal, a lively city known for its culinary wealth. His experience in renowned establishments such as Pinxto, Zumaia, Bar et Bœuf, and Mezcla has allowed him to refine his aesthetic taste and develop a unique sensitivity towards the people and the stories they carry. Labarca’s transformation into an artist is not the result of rigorous planning but rather the result of an unexpected encounter that revived a dormant passion in him. Then, he embarked on the adventure of painting, discovering a new creative breath.

Each stroke of the brush testifies to a renaissance, an impulse towards experimentation that opens up an infinite field of artistic possibilities. Self-taught in the field, Labarca chose the portrait as a privileged playground. His works invite a deep immersion in the soul and essence of the characters he represents. Whether it’s timeless icons or loved ones, he captures the intensity of the emotions that inhabit them. This ability to translate complex feelings on canvas reflects unmatched attention to detail while maintaining an apparent lightness that makes his creations accessible and touching. Through his paintings, we discover an artist and a man whose joy of living bursts with each brush stroke.

Labarca passionately communicates his wonder in the face of the world, and his raw talent leaves no one indifferent. His combination of various techniques, whether oil painting, acrylic, or collage, is a nod to his rich and plural personality. The work of Gérardo Labarca is a journey into the heart of emotions, an invitation to understand not only the artist’s view on his subjects but also his own life course. As he creates, there is a genuine connection and growing admiration for this man whose personal history is as compelling as his works. In each painting, Labarca offers us a part of himself, allowing us to glimpse the magnificence of his artistic universe.

1. Gé, your transition from the restaurant business to painting is fascinating. What inspired you to make such a bold shift?  

At the age of 47, I took a bold and risky turn in my life. Art, which had always been a hidden passion, became the center of my existence. After the unfortunate closure of my last restaurant, I realized it was time to devote myself to this long-repressed aspiration. For years, I painted for myself, adding a personal touch to my living room. My friends and family were quick to express their admiration for my creations. I remember a painting, painted especially for my restaurant’s dining room, which aroused my customers’ wonder.

Some had even expressed interest in acquiring it. These encouragements were signs that my passion could be transformed into something greater. It took courage to embark on this new career as a visual artist. I was aware of the challenges ahead but could not ignore the fulfillment I felt when painting. Social networks quickly became my main ally, allowing me to show my work to an audience that already knew my background as a restaurateur. I began to share my works to establish a dialogue with those who had supported me in my former life while attracting new admirers.

This radical change not only revived my passion but also revealed a facet of myself that I had never had the opportunity to explore fully. The path to artistic recognition is fraught with pitfalls, but every brushstroke and every comment received on my creations strengthened my determination. I finally took the risk of realizing my dream of living from art and sharing my emotions through my paintings. Today, I continue to paint with the same fervor, convinced that each work is a step towards fulfilling a long cherished dream. My background shows that no matter how old or past, it is always possible to reinvent yourself and follow your true passion.

Gérardo Labarca Marilyn Alive 2024 72x48in mixed media on Canvas

2. Your work captures your subjects’ soul and essence. How do you choose the people you paint, and what is the process behind each portrait?  

Since childhood, I have been convinced we are born with a special gift. Mine? I have the ability to paint portraits that go beyond mere representation, a way of expressing people’s souls through my brushes. Very early on, I immersed myself in the fascinating world of painting. I spent hours creating portraits of imaginary women, desperately trying to achieve a realism that seemed inaccessible then. Over time, I have seen a change in my art. My friends, fascinated by my creations, constantly encouraged me to make their own portraits. It filled me with joy and strengthened my passion.

Every face and every look became an opportunity to tell a story. When I decided to dedicate myself to painting full-time, a new stage opened before me. I wanted to add more originality to my work. That’s when I started using more bold brush strokes, creating rich and vibrant textures on large canvases. These deep and dynamic gestures gave life to the expressions of my characters. The gaze, central to each of my works, becomes the center of attention. Through the eyes, emotion and history germinate, captivating the viewer and inviting him to dive into the universe I created.

Through a series of trial and error, I had the opportunity to develop my own technique, a personal signature that reflects not only my skills but also my artistic essence. Each portrait is an exploration, an intimate dialogue between the artist and his subject. I continue to learn and refine my practice, always looking for new ways to bring the emotions behind each face to life. In short, this creative adventure is more than just a hobby; it’s a quest to reveal the invisible and transform the ordinary into extraordinary through the magic of painting.

Gérardo Labarca AKYA 2024 40x60in mixed media on Canvas

3.  Your diverse techniques reflect your multifaceted personality. How has experimenting with different media influenced your creative journey?  

I am delighted that you have noticed this contrast in my work; it is indeed what distinguishes me as an artist. My approach is deeply rooted in the idea of creating a rewarding visual experience, both at a distance and from close. Working on large formats, it is natural for the spectators to move away to capture the whole work. This allows them to perceive the general composition and proportions I give to my characters. However, I intend to arouse a curiosity that pushes everyone closer to exploring the hidden details.

I like to play with this duality: take a step back to appreciate the harmony of the work but also take a step forward to discover the detailed textures, delicate brush strokes, and ornamental elements that I integrate, such as letters, Phrases, collages, and different painting techniques. I often say that my art is designed to be admired from afar and appreciated very closely. I hope this combination creates a dialogue between the work and the viewer, an invitation to dive into a world where light meets interwoven, where each look can reveal new things. For me, this harmony between detail and lightness is the reflection of an artistic vision that never ceases to evolve.

Gérardo Labarca Girl.05 2020 72x48in mixed media on Canvas

4.  What has been the most rewarding part of your art journey so far, and where do you see your work evolving in the future?  

The most rewarding part of my artistic journey has been my deep connection with people who appreciate my work. Whenever someone acquires one of my paintings, I feel an incredible bond woven between us. It is a great honor to know that one of my creations finds its place in another person’s home, as if a part of me was invited to share their living space. These sharing moments nourish my soul and give meaning to my artistic approach. In this journey, I have been fortunate to inspire many people, especially those who witnessed my career transition.

My resilience to failure has inspired others to fight for their dreams. Over time, I have expanded my network of friends, not only those from my former profession in the restaurant industry but also many talented artists who enrich my worldview and creative practice. Today, I fully enjoy the freedom to create what comes naturally from me, 100%. I am grateful to live away from the urban hustle and bustle in the countryside, surrounded by nature, which gives me endless inspiration.

Every day spent in this calm and serene environment fuels my creativity and pushes me to explore new techniques and themes in my art. In the future, I see my work evolving into new dimensions. I hope to continue deepening this connection with my audience while experimenting with various mediums and incorporating natural elements into my creations. I also aim to organize workshops to share my experience and encourage others to discover their own artistic voice. In short, I hope my journey will continue to be marked by enriching meetings and exchanges.

Gérardo Labarca CHAPLIN 2018 72x48in mixed media on Canvas
Gérardo Labarca

Gérardo Labarca BLIND 2021 48x72in mixed media on Canvas

Gérardo Labarca’s journey reminds us that it’s never too late to follow our passions. His art is more than just portraits—it’s a way of sharing stories, emotions, and a piece of himself with the world. Gérardo’s inspiring story shows that taking risks and pursuing what you love can lead to a fulfilling and creative life. To learn more about Gérardo Labarca, click the following links to visit her profile.

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