Open Call for Children's Art Book

Theme: Open

Parents and guardians, The Big Book of Tiny Creatives is now accepting art submissions from young artists aged 2 to 18. This global hardcover book will feature the artworks of children from all around the world. It is open to everyone, regardless of location. The book will be available to a worldwide audience through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, making it a keepsake to cherish forever.

15DAYS: 07HOURS: 06MINS: 58SECS Expired

Open Call for Children's Art Book

Theme: Open

Parents and guardians, The Big Book of Tiny Creatives is now accepting art submissions from young artists aged 2 to 18. This global hardcover book will feature the artworks of children from all around the world. It is open to everyone, regardless of location. The book will be available to a worldwide audience through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, making it a keepsake to cherish forever.

15DAYS: 07HOURS: 06MINS: 58SECS Expired

Episode 29: Melting Away into Moments of Culture, Creativity and Joy with Artist Betsy Enzensberger

I n this Arts To Hearts Podcast Episode, Host Charuka Arora interviews Betsy Enzensberger, an Resin Artist and Sculptor based in New York famous for her Melting Popsicles.

  • Betsy shares how she has always been a creative person and found herself making something even when it’s not her art
  • She talks about being raised in New York City and finding herself surrounded by different cultures and kinds of creativity 
  • She talks learning practical skills through experience instead of traditional education 
  • Betsy shares how the fist time creating a melting Popsicle was created accidentally

People & Links mentioned:

Eric Johnson 

Find Betsy & her Melting popsicles on:

Instagram: @betsyenzensberger


Connect with Our Host Charuka on

Instagram: @charukaarora

Keep In Touch With Us at Arts To Hearts Project! @artstoheartsproject


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