
How Artist Katie Laws Found Peace Through Painting After Tragedy

This interview shows Katie’s journey as an artist and how her life experiences have shaped her creative path. Katie talks about how painting, which started as a hobby, became her passion after losing her mother-in-law. She shares how working with bold, vibrant colours brings her joy and peace and how painting has become a way for her to accept life’s challenges fully. Through her business, Painted Nook, and by teaching paint-along classes at her family’s restaurant, Katie connects with her community and shares her love for creativity. She also opens up about how her personal life—managing a restaurant and raising a family—deeply influences her art and how she approaches her work.

Katie Laws

Katie has been painting and enjoying colour her whole life. She wanted to pursue visual arts in college but found the academic world held up too many barriers for entry. Fast forward ten years, and Katie was looking for some colourful art to decorate her family’s home but was unsatisfied with what she could find. Thus began her artistic journey. However, it wasn’t until January of 2024 that Katie found real focus in what was, at the time, just a hobby. With the sudden passing of her mother-in-law, Katie realized that time was running short. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. With a new zest for life, Katie began focused art practice for hours daily. She quickly found her style and voice and officially started her art business: Painted Nook. She has found that vibrant colour and soothing texture create peace and joy that she cannot find anywhere else.

1. What inspired you to start crocheting, and how has your journey evolved over the past three years?

I have been painting for four years. The mere act of spreading thick acrylic paint over canvas is very meditative and calming. And though my life is hectic with four children, two cats, a dog, and a family restaurant to run, I always find a peaceful calm when I sit down to paint. Before my mother-in-law passed away, I enjoyed painting occasionally. It felt like an indulgence. But since her passing, I realized that I must live every day to its fullest. I must do it every day if I find joy and calm in painting. Life is too short not to be happy.

Katie Laws Saguaro Shadows, 2024, 8×10, Acrylic on Canvas

2. How does your study of Special Educational Needs and Inclusion influence your approach to teaching crochet?

My husband and I own a restaurant in Arizona. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my art in several ways at the restaurant. Part of the restaurant has my “Phoenix Garden” series hanging in it. But more importantly, I have loved teaching 2-hour paint-along classes at the restaurant. Women around town join me as we share the joy of colour. I received my bachelor’s degree in education and genuinely love teaching others. It has been a lovely way to engage with my community and share my passion for education and art.

Katie Laws Budding Tree, 2024, 16×20, Acrylic on Canvas

3.    What do you love most about tapestry and colourwork crochet, and how do you incorporate your personal style into your projects?

I love bold and bright colours. It brings me so much joy to watch how colours change when they are paired with different-coloured partners. It is so fun to paint landscapes in vibrant hues that are not realistic but embrace joy through their vibrant colours.

Katie Laws Phoenix Garden 2, 2024, 24×30, Acrylic on Canvas

4.   Can you share a memorable experience teaching someone how to crochet?

One of my favourite paint-along classes to teach was about nutcrackers. I painted eight different samples so the students could get many ideas for their canvas. But in the end, I had a student go WAY off-book. She painted a vampire instead of a nutcracker! I loved that this student knew what they wanted and did their own thing. That is the best part about art: we might all have the same subject matter but end up with highly individual end products.

Katie Laws Sunset 1, 2024, 8×8, Acrylic on Canvas
Katie Laws

5. What are your goals for your commission service on Instagram, and what kinds of projects do you enjoy creating the most?

I love painting landscapes and have started work on adding animals to those landscapes. Because I live in Arizona, I get a lot of Saguaro Cactus commissions. People love to hold on to our intense sunsets. Arizona gets a lot of visitors, and they often like to take home a piece of the Sonoran Desert, which I’m only too happy to oblige.

6. What excites you most as you prepare to sell your creations at craft fairs and conventions?

I look forward to several art shows in 2025. The most exciting thing is making new connections with art collectors. It is still thrilling to hear what other people enjoy about my art.

Katie Laws Mexican Golden Poppy, 2024, 12×12, Acrylic on Canvas

Katie’s story is a powerful reminder to follow what makes us happy and live each day fully. Her colourful artwork and love for teaching others bring joy to her life and inspire those around her. As she prepares for her upcoming art shows, Katie is excited about meeting new people and sharing her art. To learn more about Katie Laws, click the following links to visit her profile.

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