
How to Launch Your Art Career Through Instagram |Larissa De Jesus|

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On this week’s Arts to Hearts Podcast, we have Larissa De Jesus as our guest. She is a talented artist originally from Puerto Rico, who now calls New York home. In this episode, we chat with Larissa, an artist who made a bold move from the fast-paced energy of New York City to the peaceful vibes of Puerto Rico. She opens up about how this shift not only changed her surroundings but also transformed her approach to art and life.

Larissa also talks about finding new inspiration in the quiet moments, reconnecting with herself, and how accepting a slower pace has deepened her creativity.

We also dive into the challenges Larissa faced in making such a big move and how she balanced her passion for art with her need for personal well-being. Her story is a reminder that sometimes, stepping away from the hustle can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful creative journey. Tune in to hear how Larissa navigated this transition and what she’s learned along the way.

Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation as Larissa sheds light on balancing her passion for art with her need for well being, and tune in to this week’s full episode!

1:05Moving Back to Puerto Rico
3:24Impact of Environment on Art
5:07New York vs. Puerto Rico Art Scene
8:50Importance of Time and Slowing Down
9:55Personal Evolution and Art
11:16Discovering the Value of Art
13:09Overcoming Fears and Embracing Identity
14:31Therapeutic Process of Art
17:22Empowering Emerging Artists
19:09Challenges of Being an Outsider
21:38Advantages of Outsiders in New York
23:38Turning Point in New York
26:07Transitioning to Full-Time Artist
28:02Managing Finances and Career Goals
30:25Leveraging Instagram for Visibility
33:45Coping with Instagram’s Overwhelm
34:21Building Personal Connections
36:25Future Plans in Puerto Rico
39:22Creating Opportunities and Self-Validation

**** – (): 00:00.53

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Welcome to the podcast, Larissa.

**** – (): 00:03.42

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Thank you so much for having me, Allison. It’s a pleasure to have a conversation with you.

**** – (): 00:07.76

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Same here, same here. OK, you’re joining from Mexico, right?

**** – (): 00:12.28

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I am in Puerto Rico right now.

**** – (): 00:13.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh, you’re, ah sorry, Puerto Rico, yes.

**** – (): 00:16.51

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes. Born and raised in Puerto Rico.

**** – (): 00:19.22

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): OK.

**** – (): 00:21.05

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I left when I was 19 to go to New York and study.

**** – (): 00:26.14

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): OK.

**** – (): 00:26.61

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And then I stayed. I stayed for nine years in New York.

**** – (): 00:29.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Anyhow.

**** – (): 00:31.69

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes. This is where I build my career. It’s where I build my network. It’s where I learned really how to manage my business as an artist because I wasn’t really taught anything about the business of art in school.

**** – (): 00:46.10

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 00:47.48

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): i minored in in drawing and and majored in painting so They never thought to include a class to how to make money off your work So in New York was really my school, you know So honestly what

**** – (): 00:58.54

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 01:02.75

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): you

**** – (): 01:05.71

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): But nine years, what made made you come back to Puerto Rico?

**** – (): 01:13.63

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): made me come back was that my partner’s father became really ill, terminally ill and we wanted to spend his last days, months, weeks with him and not only him but we wanted to spend more time with family because I’ve been away from all my family for nine years so I thought that and we thought that it was time to let go a little bit of that individualistic mentality that you kind of need to develop in New York a and then come back and and see how we can be useful for others, you know, like think a little bit less about ourselves.

**** – (): 01:52.23

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 01:56.83

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And luckily, I i do this full time, so I was able to establish my studio and my home and continue working seamlessly. it but it’s still obviously an adaptive process because we it’s and me for sure yeah i feel the island just

**** – (): 02:10.34

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, it’s going to change your art. Like you as weirdly, you know, our work is an extension of who we are, the thoughts we consume, our environments and It’s going to um bring that newness for you as well.

**** – (): 02:27.25

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): influencing me and the conversations that I have with people. The biggest influence that I’m having right now is the conversation of health and it just how, it’s just like I had never really noticed how big of a problem it was when I was in New York.

**** – (): 02:36.35

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): i

**** – (): 02:46.34

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Like I didn’t pay as much of attention and now being here

**** – (): 02:49.17

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): It was probably also because in New York or you know metro cities and bigger cities like these we roll constantly. like I think there’s also like um While we’re in the bigger cities, there’s a lot of facade that we’re constantly so much busy in like, you know, cafe shops and like, you know, going for a morning coffee and like, you know, going to the gym and all of those things versus in in smaller and, you know, islands and cities like that. The life is so much more slower that we can really like, you know, you will start noticing things that you

**** – (): 03:24.34

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): you wouldn’t usually like, you know, and I feel like I’ve, I’ve been there because, you know, what, like you’re saying, I, I stayed away, I moved when I was 18 and I moved away to a bigger city, the mobile city here in India.

**** – (): 03:35.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Don’t

**** – (): 03:37.68

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And then um when COVID happened, I came back and my mom passed away. And ever since then, I um know I’ve been staying a lot more you know, in my hometown in, in Agra city of Taj. And I was, I felt like, Oh my God. And even though I keep traveling back to the city, in main city now, but I also feel like, Oh my God, there was, there’s so many things I never noticed but also when I came back to the roots it was like my art changed so much like it just my subject changed how I thought it was like again I was just trying to I was I was reconnecting with a part of myself I left 10 years till 12 years back and it was like now I’m meeting her again

**** – (): 04:04.99

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): hesitate.

**** – (): 04:25.39

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I feel exactly that. I truly do. and it’s It’s honestly, I feel like it like I’m awakening in a way because I’m able to just feel alive.

**** – (): 04:39.38

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I feel alive here. like i When I was in New York, I felt so restricted, like literally because my home was so tiny. a But not only physically, like I felt restricted on like just didn’t have enough nature.

**** – (): 04:53.70

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, I yeah, it’s a huge difference.

**** – (): 04:57.02

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know like there’s

**** – (): 04:58.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I agree, like, you know, having access to space that can and as artists, I can that can be so crucial to your practice.

**** – (): 05:03.31

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): that’s bu

**** – (): 05:05.06

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And like you said, nature.

**** – (): 05:07.63

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 05:11.12

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): i’m sorry

**** – (): 05:11.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Sorry. Yeah, no. So tell me something. Did you have nine years in New York? A lot of people and artists keep saying Oh, you have to make a career in New York. You have to, you know, there’s this notion a lot of artists feel like of if I have to become a serious artist, if I have to like really grow my career, um you know, New York is the place.

**** – (): 05:32.59

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): um what What do you say about that? has How has, first let’s talk about your nine years of experience.

**** – (): 05:35.77

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): um

**** – (): 05:38.33

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How has that been for you? And then um did you have any, what are your thoughts on moving away from New York to Puerto Rico and how it impacts you as an artist?

**** – (): 05:48.35

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): if Well, I don’t feel that you need to move to New York to build a career, but I’m glad I did because I was able to really just see how the cookie crumbles like right in front of my eyes like see how galleries work i worked in a museum i worked in the museum of modern art for three years so i was able to see how the museum worked i worked in galleries i’ve met so many gallerists and collectors and just people that

**** – (): 06:08.62

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah Okay.

**** – (): 06:24.31

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): work in the arts. And having these conversations really solidifies your identity as an artist. it It helps you define that also. Being surrounded by so many artists all the time, like it inspires you. It inspires you to keep going. ah You feel that sense of community. It really helps in many ways.

**** – (): 06:52.20

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): But one and once you learn what you have to learn from New York, it’s I felt that now I can apply all that I’ve learned from anywhere, really, because it it was incredible.

**** – (): 07:07.65

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 07:08.78

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): like I did learn so much from people, from experiences, everything, but now I can apply that from anywhere than I am, which is,

**** – (): 07:21.59

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Priceless so it I can’t imagine like everybody just moving to New York for a period of time.

**** – (): 07:24.74

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Well,

**** – (): 07:27.59

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It is a Fun thing to do it is an expensive thing to do as well And it is a sacrifice because you’re leaving your family you’re leaving your comfort Yes,

**** – (): 07:29.69

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): it’s

**** – (): 07:39.09

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 07:41.68

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. What’s familiar? And then going in.

**** – (): 07:44.59

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you’re and youre And you don’t even, I didn’t even realize when I was 19 what I was letting go. I didn’t even realize the blessing that I had in this island just to be surrounded by natural life everywhere.

**** – (): 07:58.43

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Me

**** – (): 08:00.22

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yeah. they Like I see parrots every day just flying next to me. You know, like it’s so, so beautiful, but I kind of had to leave to realize what I had.

**** – (): 08:11.73

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And also I think so many things like when I move back and like um so many smaller things like I love staying on the ground but the smaller cities it’s not it’s not the sky you know sky rise or high rise and it’s just how smaller things matter access to space like being able to stay on the ground and have um have bigger space or, you know, not traveling hours from one point to another and saving a lot of that time and using that time to invest in yourself.

**** – (): 08:38.61

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): both

**** – (): 08:46.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): um I think that also feels very transformative.

**** – (): 08:50.58

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes, you’re absolutely right. Having more time is everything. I know the value of time right now, like more than ever in my life.

**** – (): 08:55.64

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. Yeah.

**** – (): 09:00.52

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And mostly because things are really slow here. So you realize like, wow, like time is passing and you’re just stuck in a line somewhere.

**** – (): 09:03.36

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. yeah

**** – (): 09:09.13

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): but Like it’s just really slow. That’s something that I need to work on. Like my patience, I still have the New York impatience in me.

**** – (): 09:17.72

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, absolutely.

**** – (): 09:19.29

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a

**** – (): 09:19.22

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): It’s not going to go that soon.

**** – (): 09:22.68

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So, you know, still working on it, but I am grateful to have more time, just more time for myself, like you said, and more time to connect with my intuition, with God, with nature, like it’s just so necessary.

**** – (): 09:38.78

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How has slowing down impacted your art? Do you think moving back to the island or like you know making art in a smaller space in a faster city than now coming here, how do you think has that evolved you in any sense on your art?

**** – (): 09:55.18

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a Yes, I’m willing to spend more time with my work. I’m willing to do that. so before I wanted to just be done. it Just be done with this one, start the next one, like get it going, it’s a business, you’re a machine.

**** – (): 10:11.21

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and And now it’s like, it’s much less about productivity. It’s more about that process of like, you know what, I’m just gonna take my time with this tiny little thing just because, you know, and I’m gonna enjoy it and I’m not gonna finish today and that’s okay.

**** – (): 10:26.15

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And of course that means less productivity, which in the eyes of of capitalism,

**** – (): 10:29.18

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 10:32.00

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): is a sin, but in the eyes of spirituality, of enjoying your process, of your ah having a a long career, it’s necessary.

**** – (): 10:33.56

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 10:44.55

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It’s necessary to stop everything and take your time and like dedicate everything to your work. And that was hard to do in New York, honestly.

**** – (): 10:56.66

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And if you were to say what has nine years in New York taught you, you know, the most crucial thing that has taught you, that it has taught you in these nine years.

**** – (): 11:11.36

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): that there’s a lot of money out there.

**** – (): 11:15.53

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): There’s a lot. And I didn’t know how much.

**** – (): 11:16.48

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I started in India as an artist because a lot of times you feel like, oh, I remember I was watching one of your videos and you said like, you know, um, and that’s true. A lot of times we ask ourselves like, if I don’t make art, I mean, my, the world’s not gonna stop.

**** – (): 11:30.45

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): It’s not like it’s waiting for this. So it’s like, it’s, it’s so essential to the world that if, if I didn’t make art, so it’s not going to function.

**** – (): 11:39.80

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 11:39.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): But yes, if I don’t make art, I’m not going to function. And I, that happened to me as well in the sense ah because I have juggled so many roles and hats. And um I often asked myself, like, you know, is it, am I intending to become an artist only because i it’s it’s probably my ego or, you know, a lot of times we set onto to a path and we feel like, okay, now i I have to. And while my mom’s passing like all four years so far has have felt incredibly hard, but that was the biggest reminder to my life. like

**** – (): 12:15.83

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): If I didn’t have art in my life, I don’t i just don’t know how I would navigate it. like It is breathing, like like you said. you know If I don’t make art, it’s it’s going to it’s going to break me more than the world. And that like you know this inner world is so much more important than any other world out there.

**** – (): 12:34.51

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a and And it affects others as well when you’re affected. you know Inevitably, you’re going to affect the world. So it’s just remembering that power is so important. And I have to remind myself all the time of that. you know like i Because I feel so small sometimes. like I’m in this small island. I’m this small woman in this small space.

**** – (): 12:59.00

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): but Your voice has so much potential, so much power. so Yeah, you can influence so many people and like, you just have to let go of fear, you know?

**** – (): 13:06.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 13:10.13

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. Yeah. Tell me something about your work. How has your work evolved? What is what in let’s, let’s talk about the 19 year old to, to I don’t know what you’re now, but this pottery conversion of 29.

**** – (): 13:23.07

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): 29, 10 years.

**** – (): 13:25.08

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): So that’s good. Yeah. yeah How have

**** – (): 13:28.15

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and

**** – (): 13:31.22

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I would say my work has evolved in many ways, but what what’s the the line that stayed the same from the start is that I needed to express something that I just didn’t didn’t know how to express. Ever since I was a child, because I started making art when I was nine. and The nine keeps repeating itself, something like, 19, 29, nine. nine a i So I started making art because I didn’t know and didn’t have the space to express myself and I really needed that.

**** – (): 14:05.20

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So it started out because my mother validated me when I was a child. For the first time, I felt her excitement about something I did.

**** – (): 14:14.68

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): See?

**** – (): 14:15.53

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And I was like, okay, this is it, this is it.

**** – (): 14:17.34

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 14:17.68

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So that was my ego as a child as well, I wanted that.

**** – (): 14:19.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 14:21.73

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): But little by little, I realized, like wow, like I could really express something here. I could really show the world a part of me that I i wasn’t brave enough to show anywhere else.

**** – (): 14:31.81

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): so That’s how it started ands and that’s how it still is. But in New York, and I started doing a lot of work a therapeutically, psychologically, and I started realizing and that I could use my work to process trauma, to process self-hate.

**** – (): 14:53.64

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 14:57.26

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): to process a lot of things that I learned that I shouldn’t be practicing as an adult.

**** – (): 14:59.21

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 15:03.18

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know and a One of those things was I learned from my mother and that it was okay to hate your body because she hated her body.

**** – (): 15:13.08

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. Yeah.

**** – (): 15:15.21

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I learned that very early on and through my art, I was able to really examine my own body, really really learn every curvature of my body, really learn every detail of my body, and I learned to see the beauty in it, you know?

**** – (): 15:32.24

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 15:32.54

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So that in itself was a therapeutic process. And then being able to tell my story, my intimate stories with my partner within my day to day, all of that just opened a window of just like catalyzing what I was going through and just processing.

**** – (): 15:53.22

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And I was able to just know myself better, which is what I love about art.

**** – (): 15:56.09

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 15:57.59

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know It just reveals.

**** – (): 15:58.57

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I think I would do that.

**** – (): 16:00.91

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know it’s just

**** – (): 16:00.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I think the best Yeah.

**** – (): 16:04.58

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful when that happens. It’s just it’s so revealing. and So right now, what it’s revealing back to me is that I can use my voice to make a change. you know like it’s It’s about this, how can I impact the world? How can I make it less about me and more about educating, more about love? you know like Just giving what I learned, just giving it for free for people. you know

**** – (): 16:36.25

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So that’s really what I want to do with my practice right now is I i want to continue painting. I want to continue a exploring my imagination and telling my story, but also I want to become more useful to the world. Like how can I be more of service right now? And if it’s like making videos on Instagram for now, I’ll do that. But also I want to be able to talk with children, talk with emerging artists,

**** – (): 17:05.19

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and encourage them to not live in fear because i I continue to see people not achieve what they want because they’re scared.

**** – (): 17:15.05

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 17:15.72

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And it’s a shame because there’s so much talent. There’s so much.

**** – (): 17:22.57

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): If you were to say the 19 year old version of you, what was it? What do you think was the biggest fear that you had at that point that, you know, if you were, if you could tell yourself, like, you know, that’s not true, you’ll make it.

**** – (): 17:42.07

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): The fear of not being accepted that was Yes Yeah it in Puerto Rico I Just i wasn’t

**** – (): 17:45.17

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Because you also came as an outsider from New York. Like, because you were out, this is a very important point, actually. I think we’ll talk about this. Do you want to elaborate?

**** – (): 18:03.68

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Well, the thing is that it wasn’t really my choice to go to to go to New York. It was my father’s choice. He’s the one who applied to university for me.

**** – (): 18:11.07

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Listen here. Oh, wow.

**** – (): 18:13.16

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes. He applied. He applied. I got accepted. And they shipped me off to New York.

**** – (): 18:19.00

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): he

**** – (): 18:22.13

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So I didn’t know.

**** – (): 18:22.51

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Wow.

**** – (): 18:24.57

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I didn’t know what to expect. I was ready for you know a new experience. But a it was so. I was scared of not being accepted for sure. And also this idea of having to change myself. Like if i like my body wasn’t enough. Like I wasn’t enough. And if I could meet myself again and when I was 19, I would tell her, you are not your body. You are not.

**** – (): 18:58.12

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): this physical thing that you’re so obsessed with. you know you You have so much more to give to this world than your image. So stop focusing so much on that.

**** – (): 19:07.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 19:09.70

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know Put some energy in in your expression and you will go as far as you can even imagine where you’re going to go.

**** – (): 19:16.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Tell me something.

**** – (): 19:17.28

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know

**** – (): 19:21.16

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love this um topic because I think a lot of us, a lot of us, of course not everybody comes. And it’s not even New York. But it’s also like, you know, um things like um how differently we speak.

**** – (): 19:36.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And let’s say English is like, let’s say, I come from India. Our native language is not English, even though we speak English. I know a lot of people who may not be as confident will feel inferior, though there is no superiority between the two. But it’s just a one set of examples. But you know how so many times, it’s one thing is just labeled to be more superior. And a lot of people, um you know,

**** – (): 20:04.53

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Like, let’s say white artists, white male artists versus women artists, like, you know, there’s a lot of question of relevance and a lot of we as artists question a lot of women artists question if they can make in the art world or not.

**** – (): 20:19.46

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): um artists of color and I think another important like another very strange feeling is also being an outsider and feeling that you can get into an industry you know there’s so many other artists who just who are from New York who may be as talented as any of us any of us and the question keeps coming you know I’m I’m just an outsider who am I to you know think I can do anything have you had those thoughts?

**** – (): 20:44.56

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a Yes. For sure. for But the thing is that the beauty of New York, and this is what I vouch for in New York, is that ah most people aren’t from there.

**** – (): 20:59.04

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 20:59.52

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Like when you’re in New York, like most people you meet,

**** – (): 21:01.93

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Everyone.

**** – (): 21:03.80

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Right? that They’re from all over the place. They all have their dreams. They all have like a ah goal, why they went to New York. And what I’ve noticed is that a lot of the people that are born and raised in New York, they don’t have that ambition.

**** – (): 21:19.35

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): They don’t have that that hunger that that outsiders come and they’re like, I’m going to take over New York.

**** – (): 21:19.41

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh, wow.

**** – (): 21:26.72

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 21:27.23

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): They’re so hungry. But people from there, they’re like may they’re not even that impressed with New York. They maybe don’t even see how it’s possible to achieve this or that.

**** – (): 21:38.88

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And they have so much more connections that we do. They have so much, you know?

**** – (): 21:42.04

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 21:44.23

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): But they don’t even realize what they have. a So that’s one thing that I noticed.

**** – (): 21:47.18

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): But isn’t that like, like us, like you said, 19 years old was, you know, if you didn’t know what you had while you were in Puerto Rico, um until you moved away and then you came back and you saw it as a 29 year old and you were like, oh my God.

**** – (): 21:51.08

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and with

**** – (): 22:05.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You know, sometimes unless we really do, I really truly feel like it’s so important as, as just any, anyone once, you know, we grow, we get out of the shed, we’ve grown in, go out in the world and then come back to it.

**** – (): 22:05.77

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 22:19.06

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): We realize what we have, who we were, who we’ve become, the good and the bad. Like it’s, it’s just, it blends all together sometimes.

**** – (): 22:25.73

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and

**** – (): 22:28.66

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes, it’s yes 100% it is that it it’s just hard like if you’re an artist Is your if you’re an artist living in New York, eh?

**** – (): 22:42.55

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It really takes a lot of hunger it takes a lot of like you really really really want like half of You have to be like kind of obsessed.

**** – (): 22:52.81

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): You have to become obsessed like with your craft.

**** – (): 22:54.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 22:55.75

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): like And that’s really hard to do when you’re comfortable. you know Because would it does require some some discomfort.

**** – (): 23:00.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 23:04.74

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Maybe that’s why people that are outsiders can achieve so much in New York is because they’re you know they have a lot to lose. you know like They’re not comfortable.

**** – (): 23:13.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah they put a lot on stage.

**** – (): 23:15.56

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): everything right A lot of them have two jobs and they they they have to continue to make art regardless of this time-consuming you know life that they have. so Perhaps that that is what makes New York like or helps people achieve their dreams, is how tough it really is.

**** – (): 23:38.07

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. What was your first moment specifically in those nine years, I feel like, where you felt like, okay, I’m reaching somewhere like 19 year old who came here to the person I’m now I feel like I’m this, I’m going on a path like, I’m going to towards where I want to be.

**** – (): 23:54.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Was there a relevant moment you felt like, okay, I could be this, this could

**** – (): 23:59.51

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yeah, I would say during 2020, I was still working at the Museum of Modern Art.

**** – (): 24:10.54

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and But whilst I was working there, I i

**** – (): 24:11.59

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): like for as You were working as?

**** – (): 24:17.62

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I was working as a clerk, as is selling tickets in the museum.

**** – (): 24:20.69

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay, wow.

**** – (): 24:23.25

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): But while i I was working full time, so when I clocked out of work, I came home and I continued to make art.

**** – (): 24:23.18

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay. Okay.

**** – (): 24:30.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I was always making art, ah even with my full time. and But during 2020, everything shut down.

**** – (): 24:35.14

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Damn.

**** – (): 24:38.19

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): The museum closed. a And I just had all this time on my hands, you know, and just being home. And I was like, you know what? I’m just gonna make art every day.

**** – (): 24:49.63

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Whatever happens, I’m just gonna gonna do it.

**** – (): 24:50.00

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 24:52.78

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And when i kept when I kept doing it, I started posting online, I started posting my first videos of me talking online, and it was so casual.

**** – (): 25:03.26

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): But you know, I didn’t expect anything.

**** – (): 25:06.23

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay.

**** – (): 25:06.88

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Nothing. Just doing it out of pure love for the craft. loved to like find people wanting that connection. So it was very pure.

**** – (): 25:18.60

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And I started just getting followers, getting people asking for word, getting asked for commissions. I’m like, whoa, like I could really use Instagram.

**** – (): 25:28.80

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I didn’t expect this.

**** – (): 25:29.75

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): to Yeah. Like I could really do this full time. I could do this, you know, a

**** – (): 25:34.48

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I didn’t

**** – (): 25:39.02

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I could really do this. That’s the first time I felt that it was possible. And it was things to things to Instagram, really, to that exposure. And it was also things to, you know, COVID because everything closed and I was able to hyper focus on, yeah, so blessing in disguise.

**** – (): 25:52.64

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): expect this. So you left your job then. Let’s let’s also talk about that.

**** – (): 26:02.04

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): i Yes, I left it in 2020.

**** – (): 26:07.14

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): When I first started making money off my work, I was already in like three years working at MoMA, and I started making money little by little, little by little, and I told myself, as soon as I can make the same amount of money that I’m making in the museum for three months consecutively, I will quit my job.

**** – (): 26:24.39

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 26:27.00

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You’ll leave. Yeah.

**** – (): 26:29.41

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And that’s what happened. i Everything aligned perfectly, and I’m like, okay, this is the time. Bye-bye. And I just continued to do it on my own.

**** – (): 26:41.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It it was scary because nothing you know nothing is certain in life.

**** – (): 26:42.99

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, I’m sure.

**** – (): 26:46.53

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah You can have one good

**** – (): 26:50.00

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Nothing is certain in that. Exactly. And I thought that too. And my family thought that too. And everybody around me thought that too. But I’m like, you know, i I’m going to give this everything that I have, everything. And I’m willing to learn.

**** – (): 27:05.28

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I’m willing to, you know, bro, I’m willing to just try new things because that’s the thing. Something can work for you for a year and then stop working and then you have to, you know, like that’s that’s part of it.

**** – (): 27:16.85

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): and

**** – (): 27:19.42

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): and the pride of the vote comes in like making the work is one part and then you realize, oh my God, there’s this whole new game where I have to ah make sure that I’m making enough, I’m saving enough, I’m calculating enough, reaching enough, all of those things that never feel enough.

**** – (): 27:38.13

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): um How?

**** – (): 27:38.99

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 27:38.93

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How? Four years. I think a lot of artists struggle with this. how most of common asked question, how do I sell my art?

**** – (): 27:49.02

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): box

**** – (): 27:51.08

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How do I quit my full-time job to make art full-time? I think it’s these are two so interrelated questions.

**** – (): 27:56.50

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): humans time

**** – (): 27:58.17

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): If I make sell more art, I will be able to ah quit my job.

**** – (): 27:58.99

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and are

**** – (): 28:02.34

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And if I quit my job um if i want to qui quit my job today, how do I sell more art so that I can pay for my stuff? but What is your experience since you’ve done it? Four years in the go and um sitting in New York, how did you manage? What’s your experience with that?

**** – (): 28:23.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So I would say get a goal, put a goal for yourself as to how much money you want to be making per month.

**** – (): 28:34.80

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and how And if you are able to do it consecutively for at least three months, quit your job. Do it. Save your money. Saving money is essential to being able to quit your job. Because if once you quit your job, you have to pay your rent.

**** – (): 28:53.20

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Right.

**** – (): 28:53.87

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So make sure that you have enough money to pay your rent at least four months later.

**** – (): 28:58.81

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 28:59.02

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So having money saved was something that I did. And my father is a banker. He’s been a banker for his entire life. So he helped me through everything.

**** – (): 29:09.14

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): He helped me save money. He helped me invest my money, which is why I was able to move it to Puerto Rico in the first place. So saving your money is essential. And you know something that I wouldn’t do that I did, something that I would never do again, is that when I made my first, when I sold out my first solo show, ooh, that’s a lot of money, yay!

**** – (): 29:37.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I started spending. I’m going to buy this, I’m going to buy that, I’m going to buy that.

**** – (): 29:39.04

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh.

**** – (): 29:42.55

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Because I thought that those things would bring status, that those things would bring a sense of fulfillment, of success.

**** – (): 29:47.94

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. So success. Yeah, validation. and

**** – (): 29:55.76

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Validation, I was wrong. I wasted money unnecessarily. So when you saw it when you sell out your first solo show, invest it, put it in the stock market, you know let that grow and keep going slowly but surely. And you will reap the rewards. Oh my God, you were gonna see so much money in the end. And it’s not that I don’t and that i didn’t see money, but now thinking back like,

**** – (): 30:23.92

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): You know, that wasn’t the wisest choice and it’s important to learn, you know.

**** – (): 30:25.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, we learned from our mistakes. But OK, tell me something. what how do you How did you get into ah being in New York, being at MoMA? How did you start getting into getting more visibility, um getting your work out there, getting shows, selling, connecting with collectors, or galleries? How did you specifically being an outsider? Because a lot of artists say, look oh, I don’t have the connections, or I don’t know the people, or not everybody is in New York.

**** – (): 30:59.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): what ah What has worked for you?

**** – (): 31:00.32

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): mean

**** – (): 31:02.99

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I didn’t know anybody in the art world. I didn’t know anybody, honestly. like i worked with When I was in school, I worked in a gallery because it was part of the program that I was in.

**** – (): 31:15.52

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And I met a gallerist, but that I never really worked with that gallerist. i met that They never showed me anything.

**** – (): 31:22.26

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You the things…

**** – (): 31:23.80

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know like I learned about the business a little bit, but that was it. So everybody that I met that gave me opportunities that brought me business was through Instagram, was through telling telling my story on Instagram, being open about what I was going through and just sharing.

**** – (): 31:36.33

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh wow.

**** – (): 31:48.01

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): People really connect when you tell your story. And a lot of people are scared to do that.

**** – (): 31:50.98

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 31:52.77

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Maybe they think that their story is not significant enough. It’s not important enough.

**** – (): 31:56.91

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 31:57.17

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): but your youre You are, like your story is important and so many people can relate to what you’re going through if you simply share it.

**** – (): 32:02.33

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 32:08.29

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So that was the first thing that, you know, brought me business. and That’s how I sure showed it in my first gallery is how I sold my first artwork.

**** – (): 32:18.92

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And and and when I was selling a a lot on Instagram, I didn’t have a lot of followers. I had like, ah thousand something followers so it truly doesn’t matter how many followers you have what matters is your intention like if you’re going every day on Instagram and you’re just telling a part of your story just because you’re not expecting anything just throwing it out there I promise you that you’re gonna see reward for that you’re gonna see the results of that in in terms of

**** – (): 32:29.47

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Wow.

**** – (): 32:51.56

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love that. yeah But also, what’s hard and good and bad both, Instagram has become a lot of over overwhelm now.

**** – (): 33:03.04

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): because there’s been a lot of content. um I think it’s become mobile just overwhelming to even go and a lot of artists feel like you know we all know how the whole thing has been about but it was such a good time. um you know I sold of a couple of collections in 2020-21 and the amount of visibility I got and It was just like, i it was just, it was amazing.

**** – (): 33:29.89

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Like you said, you know, you realize, oh my God, I’m just not, it’s just not me and my bubble who’s making art and loving it and enjoying it.

**** – (): 33:32.26

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): um

**** – (): 33:35.59

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): It’s also other people who find value in it and relate to it. But a lot of artists struggle now because, you know, the whole loop of ah who am I doing this?

**** – (): 33:39.99

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and

**** – (): 33:45.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Am I putting it out this in in a void where people are even not there or my work does not even get shown? or things like that. I think that’s become a little trickier now, don’t you think?

**** – (): 33:57.20

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How has it been for you?

**** – (): 33:57.61

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes, I agree. I agree. There’s a lot of noise. There’s a lot of people just trying to get visibility. So there’s competition in a way. However, I think it’s important to use as a tool, not solely, like depend solely on it, but at least you you know that you can get emails from people on Instagram.

**** – (): 34:13.25

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. Yeah.

**** – (): 34:20.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 34:21.46

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): If you have their if you have your their email, then you can develop an email list and you can reach out to them. You can send PDFs with your work. You can send studio updates.

**** – (): 34:33.80

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): You can keep in touch on a personal level with people that you know that are interested in your work. So you really don’t need to be you know making this high production reel or you know high editing. I hate editing. I’m not going to be making these like elaborate reels.

**** – (): 34:56.05

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 35:03.84

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I lost you.

**** – (): 35:30.09

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah have me right Can can’t see me?

**** – (): 35:32.15

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I can hear you but I can’t see you.

**** – (): 35:35.66

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I’m here.

**** – (): 35:37.58

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): No, ah, there you are.

**** – (): 35:39.82

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Perfect. Yeah.

**** – (): 35:41.59

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes.

**** – (): 35:42.63

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You said you hate high quality production.

**** – (): 35:46.14

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): it’s I hate editing with all my heart.

**** – (): 35:49.00

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 35:50.55

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and so that’s like you like I feel like some people assume that you kind of need to do all that because people on Instagram are doing that and sure you might get more views that way but you’re not necessarily gonna get a sale because you’re spending four hours editing a video that’s not necessarily true it’s only when you really

**** – (): 35:57.15

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 36:12.29

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 36:14.94

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 36:15.39

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): know what you’re trying to communicate and you’re able to communicate that clearly, that opens the door for a sale a lot more than a high quality video will ever do.

**** – (): 36:25.56

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I agree with that.

**** – (): 36:27.66

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So yeah, is the emails, emails are key and using Instagram to tell your story. taing That’s key.

**** – (): 36:35.92

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love that. Okay, last question. Now that you’re in Puerto Rico, how what’s your plan? What’s changed? What are you looking forward to? how you How your business is going to change? Is it going to change? how you’re going to what’s What are your plans? Do you have anything on your mind?

**** – (): 36:55.48

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): That is the question. i did our you know Because we came here thinking about family, thinking about you know all everything that’s been going on, I didn’t write down a plan on what to do. Although I know that you know being here, I’m going to have a show here.

**** – (): 37:19.61

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I want to get to know the market here and you know I’m gonna make things happen here a just to get my name out there because like people know me here but people know me a lot more in New York and London because I’ve been so long over there you know I grew my business there so right now my goal is to get out there and get to know people and and

**** – (): 37:34.85

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 37:45.94

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and like allow people to get to know my work. So any opportunity that I can create for myself in this island, I’ll do that. While also keeping my business, you know, like I’m an international artist.

**** – (): 37:54.54

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh, I know.

**** – (): 37:59.26

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So thanks to Instagram, once again, like I’m able to get exposure worldwide.

**** – (): 37:59.87

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 38:05.93

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): I still have shows in New York coming up and a it’s just ah changing my

**** – (): 38:14.62

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): The main thing that’s changing right now is my personal life, is my dedication to health, is my dedication to my family, and that inevitably is gonna bring good fortune to me.

**** – (): 38:19.21

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Okay. Yeah. Hmm.

**** – (): 38:29.42

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Like, I already know.

**** – (): 38:30.80

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love this approach.

**** – (): 38:31.65

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Because it’s… You know, like it’s it’s my talent is already there. My ability is not it’s never going away. And I’m never gonna stop making art as well.

**** – (): 38:43.40

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): So these things I know for sure. But what happens in my career, the opportunities that come my way, i I’m just here waiting while I work, while I do what I need to do.

**** – (): 38:51.24

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Hmm.

**** – (): 38:58.75

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And of course I can go out and ask

**** – (): 39:00.52

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah.

**** – (): 39:02.11

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a certain gallery, hey, I want to do a solo show with you. And that’s, I already have a gallery in mind that I want to do that with, but I need to produce. I’m doing the work right now. I’m doing the best work that I want to make.

**** – (): 39:14.38

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Once I have my collection ready, I’m going to go to the gallery that I want to work with and be like, do you want to work with me?

**** – (): 39:20.49

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): yeah

**** – (): 39:22.09

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes, no, and go from there.

**** – (): 39:22.13

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love that.

**** – (): 39:25.44

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I love how you’ve said two very, very important things. Create opportunities for yourself and putting yourself out there. There’s so many times I feel like ah people ask, how do I get this?

**** – (): 39:34.11

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): back

**** – (): 39:36.83

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And sometimes it’s about how how do I make It’s not about getting it. it’s also it’s Something’s not always going to come to you. ah You might also have to go to it. And you know prepare yourself. And you’re like, OK, I’m ready for this. Are you ready for me?

**** – (): 39:54.12

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): and evening 100%. I’ve always been one to, if people are not validating me, if people are not coming to me, i I will validate myself and I will create the opportunities.

**** – (): 40:04.99

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You’ll go.

**** – (): 40:09.57

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And that’s how I did it, you know, and but with the pieces that I did during 2020. Everything that I made, no gallery came up to me knocking at my door. I told my fiancé, I told him, I wanna make a show.

**** – (): 40:25.28

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): We’re gonna rent out of space in Brooklyn and we’re gonna put up all my works and I’m gonna make a show. And we did it. We didn’t even have a car. We didn’t have anything, but we did that.

**** – (): 40:34.90

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): And I think that.

**** – (): 40:37.84

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you know And that opportunity that brought collectors, that brought me museum curators went to my little show.

**** – (): 40:44.95

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh, wow. ah Yeah.

**** – (): 40:47.53

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): You know like just don’t know who’s watching on Instagram specifically. like You just don’t know.

**** – (): 40:54.51

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah, that’s true. Thank you so much, Larissa. It was so nice.

**** – (): 40:58.98

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Of course.

**** – (): 40:59.17

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Thank you so much for sharing your journey, your thoughts, your work, all of it with us, with me, and everybody who’s joined us and will be joining. How can we find you, support you?

**** – (): 41:10.65

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): How can people um find you on Instagram, anywhere else, um and support you?

**** – (): 41:17.67

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Thank you for having me. My Instagram is LDJNegron and you can see my work and my website as well, I update that regularly.

**** – (): 41:30.19

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It’s a pleasure to, has spoken to, and has to speak with you, Allison. I hope that we get to speak again in the future.

**** – (): 41:36.70

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): have.

**** – (): 41:37.58

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): And if you’re ever in Puerto Rico, please hit me up. If I’m ever in India, I will hit you up.

**** – (): 41:41.40

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): it so hier done Yes, please. And there’s so much similarity, like I think cultural while we I see it is in Puerto Rico and India, and I’m sure we will um have a good time on both the places.

**** – (): 41:55.67

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yes, for sure. I mean, India is in my bucket list, so yeah.

**** – (): 41:59.14

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I have to come to Portugal for some reason. i’t I don’t know. I’ve always been. um So and I just love nature and I feel I look at Portugal. I’m like, I mean, I feel like you’re living in heaven.

**** – (): 42:11.71

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): but

**** – (): 42:11.64

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Really?

**** – (): 42:13.26

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It’s a slice of heaven in here. It’s hot.

**** – (): 42:15.32

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Absolutely.

**** – (): 42:16.15

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): It’s hot. So prepare for that.

**** – (): 42:17.51

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Oh, I suppose, yeah. I mean, in India, where the part of India I live in, when it’s hot, it’s terribly hot. It was 52 Celsius this summer. When it’s cold, it’s terribly cold.

**** – (): 42:30.51

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): It’s one degree and like, you know, and when it rains, it rains with floods. So I’m used to it.

**** – (): 42:37.08

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): a Okay, so you’re ready.

**** – (): 42:39.07

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): I’m used to it in hours.

**** – (): 42:39.98

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Yeah, you’re good to go.

**** – (): 42:42.86

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): You make a show happen, and hopefully I’ll hop on.

**** – (): 42:44.40

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): not

**** – (): 42:45.78

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): That will make you make a show happen in India, and I’ll hop in there.

**** – (): 42:50.96

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Oh, that would be awesome. That would be so awesome.

**** – (): 42:52.40

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Yeah. I’m sure. Let me put it out in the universe.

**** – (): 42:55.22

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): you Well, it was great meeting you. Listen, take care.

**** – (): 42:59.94

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): Thank you.

**** – (): 43:03.15

**** – (): Larissa

**** – (): Thank you, bye bye.

**** – (): 43:04.67

**** – (): charukaarora

**** – (): One second.


About the Guest(s):

Larissa is a versatile artist whose work revolves around the transformative power of storytelling as a means to navigate and interpret her personal experiences. Her commitment to continual self-improvement is the driving force behind her artistic practice. Larissa’s dynamic and ever-evolving creative process is fueled by a deep sense of curiosity and a penchant for experimentation with various materials. Her eclectic visual vocabulary reflects her insatiable curiosity and playful approach to artistic expression. Drawing on surrealist techniques of automatism, Larissa embraces spontaneity and allows her subconscious mind to guide her creative output. Each piece she creates is a testament to her quest to capture the beauty of everyday moments, forge connections with nature, and unearth poignant memories from her upbringing in Puerto Rico. Through her art, Larissa shares intimate narratives that touch on themes of vulnerability, identity, and emotional introspection. Her work serves as a conduit for personal catharsis and a means to connect with others on a deeply resonant level.

 Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, spanning nineteen years, Larissa resided in various municipalities including Guaynabo, Trujillo Alto, and Caguas. Her passion for the arts ignited at the age of nine when she demonstrated exceptional talent in an adult drawing class, a pivotal moment that set her on a path towards artistic excellence. Larissa pursued her secondary education at Central High, a prestigious art-focused institution in Puerto Rico, culminating in her graduation with the school’s highest accolade. Subsequently, she sought to expand her artistic horizons at The School of Plastic Arts in Old San Juan, specializing in Drawing and Painting. Transitioning to Hunter College in New York City, Larissa successfully earned her BFA degree with distinction. Currently, Larissa is based in New York, where she continues to hone her craft and make significant contributions to the art world.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, Puerto Rican artist Larissa shares her journey from New York back to her homeland, detailing her transition from a bustling art scene to a slower, more introspective creative space. She discusses the impact of nature, the importance of health, and how her art has evolved through these changes. Larissa also offers practical advice on succeeding as an artist, emphasizing community, storytelling, and persistence. Join Charuka Arora as she delves into Larissa’s experiences, shedding light on overcoming fear, adapting to new environments, and creating opportunities in the art world.

Key Takeaways

  • Leveraging Social Media: Larissa emphasizes the importance of Instagram in sharing her story and gaining visibility, illustrating how authenticity on social platforms can translate into professional opportunities.
  • Transitioning to Full-Time Art: She shares practical advice on quitting a full-time job, emphasizing the need for financial readiness and strategic planning.
  • Family and Health: Moving back to Puerto Rico allowed Larissa to focus on her health and family, which she believes will bring long-term benefits both personally and professionally.
  • Continuous Learning: Larissa highlights the significance of evolving as an artist by learning from different environments and experiences.
  • Creating Opportunities: She encourages artists to validate themselves and create their opportunities rather than waiting for external validation.

Notable Quotes:

  • “Once you learn what you have to learn from New York, I felt that now I can apply all that I’ve learned from anywhere.”
  • “My art changed so much…I was reconnecting with a part of myself I left 10 years ago.”
  • “I realized through my art, I could express something here…show a part of me I wasn’t brave enough to show anywhere else.”
  • “I want to become more useful to the world…think more about educating, more about love.”
  • “When people are not validating me, I will validate myself and create the opportunities.”

Charuka Arora is the founder of the Arts to Hearts Project and Host of the Arts to Hearts Podcast. She is also an acclaimed Indian artist known for her contemporary embellished paintings. Her unique blend of gouache, collage, embroidery, painting, and drawing explores the intersection of art, culture, heritage, and womanhood. Through her work, she tells stories of female strength and encapsulates them in pieces that can be treasured for generations.

 Arts to Hearts Project Gallery + Studio

Charuka’s work draws inspiration from Hindu mythology, recognizing women as vessels of Shakti, the cosmic energy. She beautifully portrays powerful goddesses like Durga Maa riding a tiger or lion, symbolizing their unlimited power to protect virtue and combat evil.

Through her art, Charuka invites us into the world of women, showcasing their beauty, strength, and resilience. Her creations not only exhibit exceptional talent but also serve as an inspiration and a symbol of hope for those challenging societal norms.

About Arts to Hearts Project Gallery + Studio

Arts to Hearts Podcast is a show delving into the lives and passions of renowned artists. From running creative businesses and studio art practices to cultivating a successful mindset, Charuka Arora engages in heartfelt conversations with her guests. Experience your personal happy hour with your favorite artists right in your studio.

Through candid discussions, Charuka and her guests reveal the joys and challenges of a vibrant creative life, both within and beyond our studios. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted as you tune in.

Larissa De Jesus

Image taken from the Website

Larissa is a versatile artist whose work revolves around the transformative power of storytelling as a means to navigate and interpret her personal experiences. Her commitment to continual self-improvement is the driving force behind her artistic practice. Larissa’s dynamic and ever-evolving creative process is fueled by a deep sense of curiosity and a penchant for experimentation with various materials. Her eclectic visual vocabulary reflects her insatiable curiosity and playful approach to artistic expression. Drawing on surrealist techniques of automatism, Larissa embraces spontaneity and allows her subconscious mind to guide her creative output. Each piece she creates is a testament to her quest to capture the beauty of everyday moments, forge connections with nature, and unearth poignant memories from her upbringing in Puerto Rico. Through her art, Larissa shares intimate narratives that touch on themes of vulnerability, identity, and emotional introspection. Her work serves as a conduit for personal catharsis and a means to connect with others on a deeply resonant level.

 Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, spanning nineteen years, Larissa resided in various municipalities including Guaynabo, Trujillo Alto, and Caguas. Her passion for the arts ignited at the age of nine when she demonstrated exceptional talent in an adult drawing class, a pivotal moment that set her on a path towards artistic excellence. Larissa pursued her secondary education at Central High, a prestigious art-focused institution in Puerto Rico, culminating in her graduation with the school’s highest accolade. Subsequently, she sought to expand her artistic horizons at The School of Plastic Arts in Old San Juan, specializing in Drawing and Painting. Transitioning to Hunter College in New York City, Larissa successfully earned her BFA degree with distinction. Currently, Larissa is based in New York, where she continues to hone her craft and make significant contributions to the art world.

Larissa De Jesús Negrón is a talented artist originally from Puerto Rico, who now calls New York home. Born and raised in San Juan, Larissa’s passion for art sparked at a young age when she stood out in an adult drawing class at just nine years old. Her early love for creative expression led her to pursue art-focused education at Central High in Puerto Rico, where she graduated with top honors. She further honed her skills at The School of Plastic Arts in Old San Juan and later earned her BFA with distinction from Hunter College in New York City.

Larissa’s work is all about the transformative power of storytelling, a theme deeply rooted in her personal experiences. Driven by a commitment to self-improvement and a curiosity that knows no bounds, Larissa takes a playful and experimental approach to her art. Her eclectic style, influenced by surrealist techniques and the spontaneity of automatism, reflects her quest to capture the beauty of everyday moments, connect with nature, and explore poignant memories from her Puerto Rican upbringing. In this episode, Larissa opens up about how moving from the fast-paced life of New York to the tranquil surroundings of Puerto Rico has deeply influenced her art and life, offering valuable insights for anyone on a creative journey.

Larissa De Jesús

How a New Environment Changes Everything

Larissa, an artist who spent nearly a decade in New York, reflects on how moving to Puerto Rico transformed her approach to art. “In New York, I felt boxed in… there just wasn’t enough nature,” she shares. The shift to Puerto Rico has not only influenced her art but also provided a new outlook on life.

Living in Puerto Rico has helped Larissa connect more deeply with her surroundings and her creative process. The slower pace allows her to focus on the essence of creation rather than just being productive. “I’m spending more time with my work… it’s about the process, not just the output,” she says. This change highlights how important environment is in nurturing creativity and deepening an artist’s connection to their work.

Leaving the fast-paced life of New York also allowed Larissa to reconnect with family and prioritize her health, which in turn has enriched her artistic output. “I feel truly alive here… it’s my commitment to health, my family,” she says, showing how personal well-being and professional life are intertwined in her art-making j

Despite the positive changes in Puerto Rico, Larissa acknowledges how important New York was in her artistic development. “I’m grateful I went… I learned a lot about the art world,” she reflects, noting that the connections and experiences she gained in New York were invaluable. Working at places like the Museum of Modern Art, Larissa saw the inner workings of the art industry up close.

Being surrounded by a community of passionate artists in New York pushed her to keep striving. “Being around so many creative people… it kept me going,” she explains. The experience taught her crucial business skills that she continues to apply, even after leaving the city.

Larissa’s journey shows that while New York offered a solid foundation for professional growth, being an artist isn’t limited by geography. “Once you’ve learned what you need to learn from New York… you can apply it anywhere,” she says, a reassuring thought for artists who feel pressured to be in certain cities to succeed.

Put some energy in your expression and you will go as far as you can even imagine where you’re going to go.

Larissa De Jesus-Arts to Hearts podcast s04e28

Leveraging Social Media as a Modern Artist’s Tool

The digital age has changed how artists reach their audience, and Larissa’s story is a perfect example. When New York’s art scene paused during the 2020 lockdown, she turned to Instagram to share her work and story. “I started posting casual videos of me talking online… it was so natural,” she recalls.

By engaging with her audience regularly, Larissa grew her following, leading to commissions and unexpected collaborations. “I realized I could do this full-time… thanks to Instagram,” she shares. Her success highlights how digital platforms can provide visibility and new opportunities for artists.

However, Larissa also emphasizes the importance of balance, recognizing that social media can be overwhelming. “There’s a lot of noise… it’s important to use it as a tool,” she advises. She suggests combining an online presence with traditional strategies like building an email list and personal outreach to create a sustainable art practice.

If people are not validating me, if people are not coming to me, I will validate myself and I will create the opportunities.

Larissa De Jesus- Arts to Hearts podcast s04e28

Larissa’s story reminds us that taking care of your personal life can have a positive impact on your professional growth. “These are the things I’m sure of… while I do what I love,” she says with confidence. Her belief in her abilities and focus on creating meaningful opportunities for herself are key elements of a fulfilling creative journey.

The conversation between Charuka and Larissa shines a light on what it means to be an artist today. It beautifully captures the balance between seizing professional opportunities, fostering personal growth, and accepting change as a catalyst for art evolution.

You can contact Larissa on her Instagram handle, and check out her website for more details about her work.

To read more about the Arts to Hearts Podcast and its episodes, click here.

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