Gabriel Buttigieg

About the Artist
Gabriel Buttigieg (b. 1993) is a visual artist based in Malta, who focuses primarily on drawing and painting. Buttigieg considers the world to be his native country and hence his artwork reflects various universal themes. He explores primordial, tribal, Mediterranean and, more recently, Grecian, myths and legends, conceptualising them in a contemporary context. He has held various exhibitions over the years, both locally and abroad. The raw and provocative images of the body, apparent in exhibitions such as ‘Paintings’, ‘Nudes’, and ‘The Droplet’ series, have transitioned to the existential portrayals evident in ‘Saudade’, and ‘The Beach’. While the former exhibitions were held locally, the latter exhibition was also held in Poland. On the international front, Buttigieg has recently launched a series of works, entitled ‘CloverMill’ series, which were exhibited in the Netherlands. Locally, the artist has also taken part in collective exhibitions, with the most recent being ‘Darkness at Noon’ and ‘{v}). On the international front, collective exhibitions include ‘Dialogs2020 Contemporary Connection’ in Italy, ‘Genesis’, in the United Kingdom, and ‘Spring Virtual Exhibition’ in Cyprus. Apart from working on diverse series of drawing and paintings, in 2020 and 2021, Buttigieg has also tackled standalone works, such as ‘Agnus Dei’, ‘Primavera’, and ‘Hubris’. He is also currently working on a series of works entitled ‘Ogygia’, part of a collective exhibition which will be held in Gozo in 2022. He will also be holding a solo exhibition in February 2022, entitled ‘Four Seasons: A Contemporary Deconstruction‘. He has recently been featured in various international publications, namely ‘Wall Street International, American Edition’; Wall Street International, French Edition; ‘ArtDependence Magazine’ (Belgium); and ‘ArtsTalk Magazine’ (Netherlands). Gabriel Buttigieg has successfully read for a Bachelors in Psychology at the University of Malta, and he is currently reading for a Masters in Fine Arts by Research at the University of Malta.
About Artist’s Work:
The human condition has always fascinated Buttigieg since his initial forays as a visual artist. With the hallmark of his artistic endeavours being his profuse versatility and his thirst for that which is aesthetically pleasing, coupled with his fascination with the human figure, he has delved into the roots of art, seeking perennial themes, which span across the centuries. From cave paintings to modern day narratives, from the classical to the contemporary, from the divine to the bestial, he pushes the limits of social constructs and boldly employs his palette to depict his understanding of humanity. Moulded by his keen perception of the human spirit and taking his cue from psychoanalytic and existential schools of thought, he portrays all the facets which encompass man, in totality. Buttigieg depicts the underbelly and the shadow of the human race in the same glorious, paradoxical manner in which he represents the sublime. He treats the dung heap of the psyche with the same respect that he approaches the higher faculties. Buttigieg conjures up the primordially mythical and the primitive, and he marries them with the rapturous aspects of humanity, in a controlled explosion on canvas. Nostalgia, disillusionment, abandon, hope, decay, the finite, and the sensual all find their way into his visual art, in a harmonious and deeply emotive fashion, unfettered by the dictates of the modern world and its emphasis on all that is artificial and fleeting.
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