

Fatema Lodhger

About the Artist

Hello, I’m Fatema Ibrahim lodhger , is a self taught artist mother from Bangalore, India.
I was born and brought up in Kolkata . After finishing my schooling in 2000 , I graduated with a degree in English in the year 2003. I then went on to do a one year diploma course in commercial design from the Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata.
As a child I was always very creative and enjoyed learning different crafts , like toy making , crochet, paper craft .and quilling. But drawing and painting always had a special place in my life. My earlier memory goes back to covering all the walls in my house with my doodles and drawings.
I never got a chance to learn painting formally and my first visit to an art museum was in my early twenties.
I recall being rejected from the entrance exam of an art college in my city because I couldn’t draw human figures accurately.
This dejection made me even more determined to hone my skills on my own and I began sketching at home as well as by going through art books.
During this time I mainly worked with water colours, acrylic and pen and ink
Soon after I got married , painting began taking a back seat slowly and after the birth of my daughter I completely gave up on my art.
Then in 2019 , after a long gap of eight years I began painting again on the insistence of my husband. But by then all my painting skills were completely rusted!
It was only during the lockdown in April 2020 that i discovered the joys of oil painting. Having no prior knowledge in oils , i began practicing again, till I came across a book ‘Daily Painting’ by Carol Marine in January 2021 that changed my life!
In it she discusses the daily painting movement ,starting small and making art everyday.
The enthusiasm and motivation was back and I began painting everyday in my small sketchbook and posting on social media.
Since than I have come to believe that painting is a learned skill which can be developed with daily practice and determination at any stage or age in life and not depended on talent alone!
Presently I make one painting each day and post it on social media.

About Artist’s Work:

Beginning my art journey again in 2019 after a long gap of eight years and teaching myself oil painting from scratch I have now come to believe that painting is a skill like any other and can be developed and learned at any stage or age in life.
The lockdown changed my life and my art completely! It was during this home bound life that I began to realise what a treasure trove my home was and will always be!
My art became all about transforming the ordinary mundane things of everyday life into something special and extraordinary!
I therefore began to see everything around me with my new found artistic eye and my kitchen ,bathroom ,bedroom, the pantry even the lollipops my daughter eat into subjects of my painting!
Since I presently make one painting each day ,Its the little unnoticed things which interests me and I feel there is magic in everything and colours can transform all mundane into beauty!
I primarily work with oils and gouache from the living room of my home.

Emerging Woman Artist Award (Fall Edition 2024)

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Emerging Woman Artist Award (Fall Edition 2024)

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          International Open Call For Artists

            Get Published in 101 Artbook Edition 3

               Theme: Portrait
                Submit your work to get featured in our expertly curated books highlighting the
                work of artists and distributed to art lovers, gallerists, artists, curators and art
                patrons all over the world.



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International Open Call For Artists

Get Published in 101 Artbook Edition 3

Theme: Portrait

Submit your work to get featured in our expertly curated books highlighting the work of artists and distributed to art lovers, gallerists, artists, curators, and art patrons all over the world.

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